Sunday, March 25, 2012


A woman by the name of Mavican is after Xena's "job" in Ares' eyes.  But, after one "action packed roll in the sack," he informs her that she's not the one.  No, his standards are higher – and Xena never asked him for anything.  "That's how I knew she was the one."  Elsewhere, after a fight where Xena did most of the work, Ares finds Gabrielle complaining to herself.  "I'm not a kid anymore."  But, after an understanding word or two, he vanishes as quickly as he appeared.  Enter Mavican.  "I understand that killing you is the best way to meet her."  Mavican then throws a javelin at Gabrielle, but Xena steps in.  Mavican declares that she's Xena's successor.  (She's trying to convince Ares of this by killing Xena.)  Ares complies by saying, "Let's take this where we can't do any harm."  He opens up a portal that sucks them in and the "game" begins.  Gabby finds herself in a spotlight in the middle of a vast darkness.  Xena, however, finds herself facing Mavican in a clearing – both without weapons.  Fight!  Mavican gets kicked  and takes a long tumble down a wooded hillside.  But, when the sun sets, Gabrielle and Xena have switched places.  (It turns out that, in the spotlight, Xema is able to watch Gabrielle but can't directly communicate.)  Gabby and Mavican cross paths at a campfire and Gabby gains the upper hand.  "Ares said that Xena couldn't kill you.  He didn't say anything about me, so don't do anything stupid."  Just then, Mavican gains control again, knocks Gabrielle out, and locks her in a cage.  She then jabbers on and on about herself... until the sun rises.  And, with the sun, comes the switching of Xena and Gabrielle again!  Yep, now Xena's in the cage!  This, of course, delights Mavican and she refuses to be talked out of her actions.  She starts throwing her handmade spears at Xena until Xena fakes getting pierced through the gut with one.  Mavican, thinking herself the victor, gets close enough to where Xena is able to grab her and kick herself loose from the cage.  Mavican escapes.  Xena goes poking around by a stream, clearly planning something, when Ares show up.  Xena learns that Ares would like Gabrielle to kill Mavican.  Later, Mavican tries to attack Xena – who has set up a trap and almost has her captured completely... when the sun sets again.  Gabrielle, now cluelessly facing Mavican, gets another quick beating.  Mavican explains that Ares has put Xena in the same body as Gabrielle... and if killing Gabby means Xena's death (even if it means only killing her indirectlly), than so be it.  Gabby grabs a staff she sees leaning against a tree and this triggers the trap that Xena set up.  Mavican gets knocked over but manages to injure Gabrielle's shoulder and Gabby runs away.  Suddenly, Ares appears to Xena once again.  Ares gushes compliments and ends by saying, "I can't believe I took her for granted for so long."  He then reveals that he has given up on Xena... "and what makes you think I was talking about Mavican?"  "This is about Gabrielle," says an angrier Xena.  Meanwhile, Gabby has found a deep pit in the back of a cave and taken refuge by a fire.  It is then that she finds a note tied to the staff.  In essence, it warns her not to kill Mavican.  But Ares shows up and tries to sweet talk Gabrielle into seeing things his way.  He even gives her one of her sais to kill Mavican with.  Soon enough, Mavican walks in and Gabby looks ready to fight.  All the while, Xena is pleading that she will not kill.  Fight!  "Ares wants me to kill you.  If I do that then he wins and we all lose," says Gabrielle finally.  Sun's up!  And it's Xena's turn.  "Your destiny is to be forgotten," she tells Mavican as they fight, Xena trapping them in the cave.  This notion eventually really gets to Mavican and she calls on the god of war for help.  Ares appears, opens the portal that leads back to the world, and allows only Xena to exit through it.  "I said you could [ask for help]," explains Ares, "I never said you should."  With that, he abandons Mavican.  Back on planet reality, Xena expresses that she is proud of Gabrielle, Ares expresses that his offer is still open, and Gabrielle thinks that maybe Ares did some good after all.

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