Saturday, December 18, 2010


Xena and Gabrielle are walking along, discussing spiritual things, when Xena suddenly spears a river creature and throws it onto shore.  This masked creature declares, "We were ordered to stop you from reaching the avatar."  (The avatar is a deity in human form.)  He blows some bugs off his hand which then turn into other masked creatures.  Fight!  The new enemy is Indrajit, king of demons.  Later, spurred by her recent revelation as a future peacemaker, Xena wonders if she's not supposed to be a warrior anymore.  Soon enough, they discover that the avatar is Eli!  They find him healing the sick and learn that he is living a terrified life.  Indrajit is after him!  Xena and Gabrielle talk their way into traveling with Eli for a time.  At night, a monkey creature named Hanuman sneaks into their camp.  He advises that Eli seek refuge in a temple and seek Krishna's help.  (Krishna is the supreme personality of the godhood.)  We learn about Hanuman and about "THE truth" as Eli proclaims it -a reverence for life and nonviolence.  Finally, the gang reaches the temple where Hanuman discusses Eli's words with Gabrielle.  "Eli's way is the ultimate way."  A fight with demons!  Indrajit himself shows up on his magic carpet and captures both Eli and Gabrielle!  At this, Hanuman suggests that Xena pray to Krishna to get the god's attention.  As she prays, Indrajit threatens Eli.  "How passive and serene will you remain while she's being tortured?"  Suddenly, Xena finds herself in the presence of Krishna.  He encourages her to embrace the way of the warrior.  "You must not be hesitant to fight in a just cause."  Acting, in combat, without attachment.  He vanishes and Xena leaves with Hanuman to rescue Eli and Gabrielle.  The latter are meditating when Xena suddenly appears in their midst, chained and bleeding!  Eli warns Gabrielle to be careful, but she uses violence to try and free Xena -only to uncover that it is actually Indrajit creating an illusion.  He then grabs Gabby by the throat and declares that she will die now that Eli refuses to join him.  Suddenly, Xena's chakram cuts off Indrajit's hand!  But he grows arms until he has 6 of them!  A fight!  He manages to gruesomely cut off both Xena's arms!  But Xena calls on Krishna and grows 4 arms of her own.  Rematch!  She beheads the king of demons and is returned to her healed state.  Later, Eli encourages Gabrielle and informs her that he's headed home where he believes his message will be most received.  Later still, Xena witnesses Gabrielle throw her staff into the river.  They stay together, despite their different "ways."  "All rivers run to the sea," explains Gabrielle.

Thursday, December 16, 2010


"What we sow in this life, we reap in our future lives.  This is our karma."  -From the Xena "Blue" Scroll, Author Unknown.  Xena and Gabby are trying on some Indian attire when they see some sort of procession coming through the market.  They check it out only to discover that an Indian woman (Naiyima) is about to be thrown alive into a burning funeral pyre (following her dead husband)!  Xena flips into action to break this outrageous law.  A fight!  They escape with Naiyima into a room where she suddenly (and supernaturally) sends Xena on a journey into her future.  There, Xena is reincarnated as a peacemaker called Arminestra and she finds herself in the middle of a negotiation.  Incoming fireballs!  The villain is the soul of none other than Alti!  Suddenly, an Indian man (Shakti) runs onto the scene and rescues the crippled Arminestra and has her taken away.  Alti shoots him with her crossbow but he escapes.  Back in present day, Gabby discovers that Xena is gone and she is alone with Naiyima, whose henna tattoos suddenly light up and zoom around the room!  (We learn that Alti's planning to capture Xena and make her power her own.)  Naiyima informs Gabrielle that "there is a great evil in the future that is hunting Xena's soul; it has found her.  If it succeeds, Xena's karmic cycle will end -along with all the good of her future lives."  Before Naiyima sends Gabrielle there, she declares that she will need a weapon.  "You must learn the mehndi."  (Arminestra heals Shakti.)  Gabrielle and Xena must use this mehndi to trap the evil and bring it back to be destroyed.  Gabby is then sent into the future where she finds herself reincarnated as the leader Shakti!  Shakti says something that Arminestra recognizes as Gabrielle and they discuss Alti as Gabrielle and Xena.  Alti wants to know who sent them.  Fight!  Shakti (Gabby) is the one fighting with a sword here while Arminestra (Xena) is sending people to safety.  Just when Xena is in a position to kill Alti, however, a man protests to protect her karma.  He is fatally shot by Alti.  Shakti gets knocked unconscious while the dying man delivers the mehndi paint to Arminestra.  Later, Alti discovers that Xena has found Gabrielle and now she plans to take her power, too!  But she won't kill them in private.  No, that is to be a public spectacle.  When Alti leaves, Gabrielle returns to consciousness and gets to painting the henna tattoos of the mehndi.  (Back in present day, Naiyima has been brought again to the pyre!)  When Alti returns, they strike a few poses and, by the power of the mehndi, bring Alti back to their present day -saving Naiyima in the process!  Unfortunately, they brought back Alti's powers, too.  A fight ensues in which Xena is beaten with past blows.  Alti grabs Gabrielle by the hair and shows her the crucifixion vision.  "That's your future.  She's responsible for your death."  "You BIIIITCH!!!!" shouts Xena, who, despite her injuries, manages to throw her chakram to cut Gabrielle's hair and release her from Alti's grasp.  But the weapon comes back and slices Xena's neck!  Just then, Naiyima steps in and the three of them use this mehndi to defeat Alti.  Her soul will return "but you will always be there to meet it."  Naiyima tells them to consider themselves as lines in the mehndi.  They walk a path together, "separated but forever connected."  With that, she supernaturally transforms into an ascending ball of light, leaving Xena and Gabrielle healed!  They later decide that they will recognize each other in future lives using the symbol for woman.

Monday, December 13, 2010


Upon their arrival in India, Gabrielle is chatting about the exotic sights when she and Xena spot a magician who is calling all to witness his work.  Gabrielle volunteers Xena as a "skeptic."  She fails to uncover his work as false and lets him proceed.  Soon, this magician sends his assistant, Maya, into another realm.  She returns in gory pieces!  He puts these pieces in a box and says some magic words.  She returns...only now she's possessed!  (NOT part of his show, people!)  Xena fights her while the magician prays to Abba.  Gabby, however, places her hands on Maya's shoulders (who is now writhing and screaming on the floor) and tells her to stop and that it's okay.  With that, the demon leaves!  Soon, the whole town believes that Gabrielle has "the higher power" and is a healing deity called a Devi.  A priest from the town suddenly begins blaming the magician so Xena magically escapes with the man as the town begins to worship their new Devi.  We learn that the magician's name is Eli.  Xena attempts to leave him with a warning about getting out of town, but he hypnotizes her with the intent of finding out if Gabrielle is a Devi.  Elsewhere, even as she is arguing with the chanting crowd, Gabrielle's touch heals a man's sight!  Well, Xena was only pretending to be hypnotized and the conversation continues.  Eli tells of a time when he was 13 and he had the power to heal a convulsing man.  Suddenly, he hides as the aforementioned priest walks into his temple.  Xena leaves him, commenting that "some people see evil everywhere."  Later, we learn that Gabby is beginning to think that she is a Devi after all.  "I healed someone!"  Soon, both Xena and Gabrielle are under the impression that she has a spirit inside of her.  Xena warns her that some spirits are good and some are bad -but they're smart and sometimes you can't tell them apart.  Later still, many people have gathered outside to chant "Devi."  Gabby seems to really be enjoying the praises.  Xena runs off into the temple to find that the priest has been hung!  Later, Eli spies this new Devi and makes a run for it.  He is chased by angry dogs.  Xena steps in and helps him out, but it is the Devi (who was busy being given pearls) who ultimately frees him.  After levitating, Eli shouts to the crowd to praise her.  "Xena, I didn't heal anything," says Gabrielle.  Eli vanishes into the crowd and is found gathering sacred water in the temple.  Xena meets him and spies a painting of one blonde demon wearing pearls!  "Her name's Tataka."  She deceives with good works!  Xena approaches Gabby later and she seems innocent enough.  We learn that the holy water only burns someone in the hands of a priest or exorcist.  Finally, after upsetting Gabrielle with her doubts, Xena apologizes.  Later, Xena fights a guard in the temple and Eli squirts some holy water on his face and it burns him!  "Tataka figured it out....  Gabrielle's not the Devi, Eli.  You are."  And the demon was cast out...straight into Gabrielle!  Later still, Xena calls Gabrielle Tataka and she certainly doesn't deny it.  Xena runs to find Eli escaping town.  He instructs her on how to perform an exorcism (since he doesn't believe he can do it).  Xena is mocked by Tataka when she appears for the exorcism.  "You want me out?  You're gonna have to kill this sweet little body to do it.  And I don't think you can."  "Watch me."  Fight!  Just when Xena is in position to kill, Eli shows up.  "Let me try and save her!"  Tataka discourages him but Xena is persistent.  "Abba, help me," he prays.  The exorcism is a Eli's amazement.  They later part ways with him, concluding that this power is stronger than evil.

Friday, December 10, 2010


"Gabrielle, I'm all for your spiritual quest -and India is a fine place to go...."  Gabby is stitching up a nasty wound on Xena's leg while Xena complains about the thugs they met on Gabby's "scenic route."  Gabrielle begins to wonder if Xena's fighting for good has more to do with the fighting part than the good part.  "You think my fighting for good is a cover for something darker?"  Suddenly, as Gabby talks about looking inward for answers, we see images of Xena's crucifixion vision!  Xena snaps out of it to find Gabrielle closer by her side.  "Was it that vision again?  ...You always say that we control our own destiny, right?"  Then, a noise!  Gabby goes to check it out to keep Xena from breaking her new stitches.  But when Gabrielle doesn't respond to Xena's calls, Xena goes after her...only to discover that she's fallen into a deep pit in the earth.  (There doesn't seem to be any lava in this one!)  Xena jumps in after her!  Chirp, chirp, chirp!  Both find themselves in the lush surroundings of a garden, wondering what happened.  Xena discovers that her wound is completely healed!  They also discover a stuttering, twitching man (Garr) who informs them (at the end of Xena's sword) that someone named Aiden owns the whole estate and everything in it -except him.  He directs them to Aiden's house.  When they meet him, he seems a spiritual guru who babbles about inner peace.  (Xena immediately knows it's something she can't seem to achieve.)  With the prospect of a warm bath, he convinces them to stay the night.  In the bath, we begin to notice Gabby's ability to take in all of the bliss juxtaposed with Xena's impatience.  "Would you relax?"  With that, Gabrielle begins to massage Xena's shoulders until Xena goes to open the door for Garr -who has brought clothes.  (He calls Xena "sir!")  Next, Gabby gets breathing lessons from Aiden.  He warns her that these techniques can stir up unpleasant thoughts and feelings.  Sure enough, the memory of Hope soon springs up.  Nevertheless, he encourages her that the mind has power enough to envision and create a healed world.  This is a place where your core self, the "real you," will be drawn out.  Elsewhere, Xena is practicing fight moves and is beginning to look a bit mad and dingy.  She heads up to where Gabby and Aiden are meditating and witnesses Gabrielle weeping at a memory of Hope and, as we find out, her failure as a mother.  Xena is very concerned and moved by this but leaves with disgust as soon as Aiden spies her.  Later, Gabrielle is reclined on the light side of a yin-yang bed while Xena anxiously does sit-ups.  Gabby talks of peace and convinces her that they should stay one more day.  "I haven't felt this clean since before Hope was born."  Yet, Xena compares Aiden to Loa Ma and concludes that his way seems so "numbing."  Later still, Xena uses her mind to make her wound reappear.  (But it only lasts for a moment.  Clearly, Aiden is powerful.)  After another meditation session with Aiden, Gabrielle expresses concern for Xena.  Aiden explains the unpleasant warning signs of the emergence of a dark inner self, but believes that Xena can beat it -like he did.  She finds Xena in a bath, explains to her that she feels so light and "I know I could show you how to get there if you want."  At first, Xena gets tender with Gabrielle.  "Know what I want?"  But this turns violent as she squeezes Gabby's hand (which was resting on her shoulder) until it causes her much pain.  "I'll show you what I want, little girl."  But wait.  That was only in Xena's mind.  Fearing herself, Xena pats Gabby's hand and simply says, "Some other time, huh?"  Xena then confronts Aiden about these delusions.  He advises her to leave lest she act them out!  So, Xena begins to compose a note -but begins to get a nosebleed (one of the symptoms).  Gabrielle walks in just then, complaining of a knot in her back.  So Xena massages it out (being sure to hide her bleeding and the fact that she's having delusions of crucifying Gabrielle) until her friend is at rest....  Then she leaves....  Only to discover from Garr that Aiden leeches people's goodness.  "Goodness in a perfect place going to waste without evil to keep it alive and fighting."  (Gabrielle!)  The plan?  Xena will allow herself to go completely evil so as to give Aiden nothing.  Evil rat-like Xena confronts Aiden and they fight.  Xena might go after Gabrielle?  What's to stop her from killing?  Garr steps in (as planned) and Xena nearly kills him.  This snaps Gabrielle out of her statue-like peaceful state.  "Xena!  No!"  At this, Xena kicks her sword so that it plunges into Aiden instead!  All is returned to its former state.  Gabrielle has learned that without Xena's darkness, neither one of them would be there.

Saturday, November 27, 2010


The scene opens with Gabrielle taking a primitive shower in the middle of the woods. Xena, on the other hand, has overslept. (Joxer's in the camp, too.) A mystery creatures snatches Gabby's clothes. Elsewhere, Xena interrupts a band of thugs and ties one of them up using...Gabby's shirt! "We ran out of rope." Now, Gabby is sporting...a sac.  Suddenly, an explosion from Aphrodite's temple!  (A little girl named Alesia was playing with the "passion" bottle.)  "Xena!  Please, you have to save me from my evil fairy godsmother!" she cries.  It turns out that this is princess Alesia.  She doesn't like her new stepmother and ran away.  Soon, they all leave Aphrodite behind to take Alesia back home.  Soon, Xena backtracks to take care of the men who are following them -leaving Gabrielle to tell Alesia a story.  It isn't Cinderalla, however.  It's Tyrella.  All of the characters (even the tied up bad guy) are made into the characters surrounding Tyrella's tale.  Meanwhile, Aphrodite actually begins to miss Alesia...who is off hoping that Gabby's story ends gruesomely for the stepmother!  Suddenly, Aphrodite appears and tells her version of Tyrella's "sizzling" story.  Next, as Gabby helps Xena cook, Joxer tries his storytelling skills -making himself the lead (Tyro).  Joxer's story is complete with a wild dance sequence and duet!  In fact, Joxer gets so into his story, that he doesn't notice Alesia is missing!  As soon as Xena goes after her, an elderly woman appears in the camp (Aphrodite in disguise) and tricks Gabby into leaving after the baddies.  Somehow, Alesia has gotten herself dangling from the edge of a cliff.  Xena to the rescue!  The gang finally learns that Aphrodite is plotting to get the girl back.  On their way, Xena tells her action packed version of Tyrella's story.  But she manages to belittle and offend (for at least the 3rd time that day) Gabrielle with the tale.  Gabby decides she has had enough and leaves.  Finally, the rest of them reach "home" only to find Alesia's father and stepmother tied up and the crown jewels stolen!  Before Xena leaves again, though, she locks Alesia and her stepmother in a room to talk things out.  Elsewhere, Gabby summons Aphrodite and attempts to talk her out of meddling with Alesia's family.  Xena and Joxer go after the baddies while Alesia and her stepmother make peace.  The ensuing battle turns into the ending of Tyrella's story -which Xena wraps up for Alesia in only a way that Xena can.  Gabby has returned after realizing that family stays together and works things out.  In closing, Gabrielle begins to conceive the story of Pinocchio.

Saturday, September 25, 2010


Xena and Gabrielle are trying to take a route that will help them avoid the Horde when, suddenly, Gabrielle spots a strange sight. "Have you ever seen a blonde Horde girl?" Then, just as suddenly, some man named Milo tries to ambush the small group of this "Horde." Xena intervenes. Soon, they all suspect that "that poor girl" has been taken from her family. The girl's name is Vanesa and Xena and Gabby find her parents (who think she was murdered long ago). "She's alive." Gabby tells them that she and Xena will bring their child back home. "She deserves to be with the people she loves; the people that love her." Soon, our heroes have tracked down the Horde. Xena, disguised as one of them, walks into their underground abode unnoticed. And, to her surprise, Vanesa seems to be enjoying her company. Xena follows her for some kaltaka (water). "Don't be afraid, Vanesa. I've come to get you out of here." But the girl screams! So Xena temporarily pinches Vanesa's voice and then sneaks her out to where Gabrielle is waiting. While Xena lays a false trail, Vanesa tries to tell Gabrielle that her name is Pilee, her father is the Horde leader, and that her "talk" (language) is Pomira. Clearly, she feels she has a new home. Nevertheless, the gang decides that it wasn't right for Cirvik (the Horde leader) to kidnap her in the first place -so they're going to take her home. However, Pilee does not receive her homecoming with welcome. What now? Set her free? Hang her? All out war? Xena pretends to opt for all out war (in order to gain the soldiers' trust). "My Vanesa's gone!" shouts her biological father. He loses all hope until he sees her dressed more...civilized. Vanesa sees her old doll and remembers her father. He apologizes to her. Now, if only he can forgive "these savages." Well, Xena is busy planning to forge a peace. "Vanesa is the only one who can communicate with both sides." Gabby questions her decision to "rescue" Pilee in the first place. But Xena reassures her that she was right to give her a choice. And night, Vanesa tries to escape but Milo steps in to kill her. Xena uses her whip (again) to stop him. "This thing has really come in handy, lately!" We learn that Cirvik's "real" daughter died and Vanesa was chosen as his adopted daughter. "He love me." Xena tries to convince her to care to make peace out of the situation since she is loved on both sides. Finally, both sides meet up. Just before a truce is arranged, Milo comes out of the ground and tries to kill Cirvik! But Xena flips into action. Fight! Milo is killed. "Both. Both my father." And Pilee goes home with the "Horde" but promises to return to visit soon.

Monday, September 20, 2010


When Xena catches Autolycus after stealing a ruby, he gives it back...only to discover that that wasn't Xena -it was Meg! Turns out, Joxer and Meg are after the crown of Athena. Auto gets on board. Joxer and Autolycus pretend to be villians while Meg (still dressed as Xena) pretends to fight them off. We learn that Meg is Joxer's girl. Meg demands to meet with the town's leader and convinces them that an assassin is out to get him. Thus, he shows her their security. Meg leaves a trail for Autolycus who gets rid of the guards and finds a baby in place of the key to the crown. Soon, Meg walks in and reveals that the baby is the key, and then she unexpectedly calls the guards on Autolycus! Meg steals the key and his elderly caretaker learns of this and finds Autolycus in prison. We soon learn that once the key opens the door, the child will be no more. "Doesn't sound good for the kid." Auto escapes. Joxer soon learns that Meg has kidnapped a baby just to have a baby and he feels quite used. But Meg convinces him that fatherhood becomes him. The leaders learn that "Xena" has stolen the key and fear she'll get the crown first. Auto shows up to try and take the baby back for a reward, but the baby escapes while he and Meg duke it out. Now it seems everyone is looking for the kid! But the little baby escapes in a chariot. Follow that chariot! The chariot crashes (but everyone's okay). At camp that night, Auto convinces them to still search for the crown and promises that the child will not be harmed. We learn about Meg's difficult upbringing and that her love for this child is true. She wants better for this baby than what she had. Next, we all discover that the baby's blanket is a map! To the door! Auto doesn't risk the baby but, during a fight, the child crawls to open the door and turns into a man! But not just any man...he is the king! (The real Xena shows up and helps them fend off the baddies.) Athena had made him young so that he could see anew, and his queen was made old (the caretaker) to teach her how to care. He thanks Meg for her love. Xena also encourages Meg that she will have a family of her own one day.

Friday, August 13, 2010


Xena finally tells Gabby about the crucifixion vision. In response, Gabrielle tries to keep Xena from being so overprotective. They're on their way to a place called Actus to warn the people about an army. However, the village is attacked as soon as they arrive. Xena soon gets blown up against a wall by a fireball and has a flashback. (Poor Xena...she sees the future and the past these days!) "I was attacking Corinth like this." She also recalls poisoning their grain. This triggers the discovery that the grain in Actus has also been poisoned! However, Xena's more concerned about the water supply. They break down the dam. Next, Xena remembers having her enemies killed and thrown into the river. Lo and behold, out of the water comes a band of her present day enemies! Retreat! (Xena also notices that they are at the foothills of the same mountain where her vision takes place -but Gabrielle won't hear any of it.) We see a clip from the past of Xena, Borias, Dagnine, and some centaurs. Xena becomes paranoid once again at the remembrance of her desire to crucify her enemies. She soon figures out that whoever is attacking Actus is using her own tactics against her! "How do I defeat myself?" Yes, the topic of crucifixion comes up yet again but Gabrielle refuses to leave. Later, we see Xena sneak into the enemy's tunnel and get shot by a small poison dart. This is when the mastermind is revealed as Satrina, Xena's former servant. Fml. Xena falls to the ground. Soon, we see more flashback action of Satrina giving Xena a potion just before Xena gives birth. Borias then comes to take Xena away (he had sided with the centaurs) for the sake of their love and their son. But, just when he thinks he has Satrina on his side, she stabs him in the leg and tells him about her empirical destiny. Borias flees and she calls Dagnine (who hadn't sided with the centaurs) after him with a lie. They fight. Xena gives birth. Dagnine stabs Borias in the back. Xena lets Borias get a glimpse of his son as she and Satrina escape. Back in present day, Xena is rambling on about Borias and suddenly reveals that she has had some of the antidote to the poison before she ever even came into the tunnel. "Which means your poison dart did nothing." She takes control of the situation and blames Satrina for the death of Borias and even Solan (since, had Borias lived, both Xena and Solan would have probably had a different fate). The guards from both camps suddenly appear. Fight! Satrina gets buried in the collapse of the tunnel. Later, by campfire, Xena and Gabrielle discuss the funny thing about destiny. "You can't ignore it; can't rely on it." Xena calls her vision a "prophecy." "No one said anything about a prophecy," says Gabrielle, adding that it could just be a warning or a sign or a guide. At Gabrielle's mentioning of Alti, Xena makes a segue onto the topic of Borias. She tells Gabby about the night when she gave baby Solan into the care of the centaur, Kaleipus. This memory is truly haunting for Xena and Gabrielle comforts her friend.

Friday, July 23, 2010


We see Xena and Gabrielle battling a band of attackers. A woman rides in on horseback and joins the fight against our heroes. She is about to kill Gabrielle when she suddenly stops and gets on her knees begging forgiveness. Meet Najara. Her invisible guides through life (the "Jinn") told her all about them and their quest. They agree to join her in her fight against a man named Marat. At the campfire that night, Najara offers her army to Xena in order to gain her trust. The next day, they battle the baddies and Najara catches an arrow meant for Gabrielle. Remember Xena's crucifixion vision? Well, the Jinn tell Najara about it while Xena is worrying over it in her own private moment. She believes it can be avoided. Xena figures that if she leaves Gabrielle with Najara (so they can start a hospice), their fate will be altered. "Goodbye," she says to the sleeping Gabrielle. But Xena soon learns that Najara eventually executes the "not decent people" who don't turn to her "light." She races to find Gabrielle who has just been initiated into this "light." Feeling that Gabby is now her responsibility, Najara gets possessive and fights Xena. She even wins! Gabrielle convinces Najara not to kill Xena and they leave together. When Xena comes to, she sneaks her way into their cave of a hideout and fights Najara again. This time, however, she uses Gabrielle to distract her. Finally, they have Najara tied up and taken away. She never told Gabrielle about Xena's vision, though. Why not? Because that would hurt her. And Najara doesn't ever want to do that. "That's your job," she tells Xena.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010


A good ol' back massage gets interrupted by a band of thugs. Fight! It turns out they're actually there to arrest Xena for the murder of some woman named Thalassa. Xena surrenders, guilt-ridden. She is taken to court where testimonies are given and she's sentenced to life imprisonment on Shark Island. Gabrielle soon learns of a job opening on the island and asks when the next boat leaves. Xena arrives on the island and is recognized by one of the inmates who soon asks for help escaping. "Not interested," Xena replies. Next, Xena buries a woman who was hung for killing a guard. The guards continue to give Xena hell and fight her after she defends an inmate. A cloaked commandant woman appears and has Xena chained. She then reveals herself as an embittered Thalassa! (The old Xena had left her to the flesh eating crabs.) She has Xena thrown into a pit with rats. Gabrielle arrives as the new healer and helps Thalassa. Later, she uses a broom as a staff and gets rid of the guard. She delivers the chakram to Xena. But Gabrielle is captured and taken to be hanged! Just as Thalassa decides that she can't go through with it, the guard goes against her wishes and opens the trapdoor. Fortunately, Xena throws her chakram, cutting the rope just in time. Chaos ensues. A fight! Thalassa gets back in touch with her soul and thanks Gabrielle. She also gives some advice to Xena -which she takes. Xena won't let "that monster I used to be...destroy all the good I can do now."


Xena and Gabrielle travel across a desert and enter a town to get some new shoes. They find Tara there and save her from being punished for dancing. That's right. Dancing. The chief magistrate, Istafan, allows her to be banished instead of whipped. However, they soon return to town because Tara's got a mind to change things. She apologizes to the community and to Istafan. He shows her mercy enough to let her stay. That night, Xena regrets having fried food and Gabrielle feels the forbidden urge to dance. Later, a reformer named Philipon arrives. (It's Autolycus in disguise. Xena sent for him.) He preaches about the evils of dancing and goes around reforming the town. A townsman named Andros dances secretly with Tara and tells her he's leaving. (He wants her to go with him.) Xena learns of this and convinces them that running away isn't the answer. Stand and fight. Elsewhere, Philipon senses Gabby's unresolved energy. "I can tell you need to get...." "-Dancing!" Soon, Xena and Gabrielle lead the town's kids into their new choreographed military training exercises. Gabby's shoes have new metal patches on them. So, she does something a lot like tap dancing. We then learn that the kids will be taught how to kill. After all this egging on, Andros' dad finally protests. He announces his intention to run against Istafan in the upcoming election. Later, Istefan stages an assassination attempt which Xena quickly uncovers. A dance!

Monday, June 21, 2010


Xena uses her chakram to stop a crowd of innocents from being killed. We meet Phlanagus and his wife and child. Caesar and Pompey's civil war has reached Greece. Xena plans to ensure the war's happening so that they'll waste their forces and be forced to return to Rome. Phlanagus is a true Greek who just wants to be a fisherman. But war keeps calling. Gabrielle has some miners make a map of the local caverns. Meet Temecula. He's good with a bow and arrow so Gabrielle recruits him as messenger. Soon, Xena requires that everyone destroy their homes and cattle so as to leave the land worthless. After that task is complete, they plant Caesar's banner on the hill. This causes Pompey to want that hill. The trick is that the opposite side of the banner looks like it belongs to Pompey! Thus, the armies attack each other. "Xena," says Caesar upon discovering the trick. Preparations are made for more battles and Xena spies on Caesar only to learn half of his plan. That night, Xena hints to a very reluctant Gabrielle of putting Gabby in charge since Xena will be absent and "you know how I think." Later, Xena meets Pompey in the woods and they are soon joined by Caesar. Right where she wants 'em. Fire catapults! The three of them fall into one of the caverns. Caesar's troops retreat but Gabby suspects it's a trap! They must pursue the troops. Phlanagus puts Gabrielle in command! War! Gabrielle fights with her staff. Meanwhile, Xena sword fights with Caesar and Pompey. And we learn the second part of Caesar's plan. He figured Xena would have them follow his retreating troops! "I'll destroy them," he says. Xena leaves the two of them to fight and heads into battle looking for Gabrielle. Gabby sees Phlanagus go down. She throws a javelin but misses. Phlanagus is killed! Temecula kills his killer with an arrow. The fighting stops and Caesar and Pompey emerge to view the devastation. Back to Rome they go. Xena finally finds Gabrielle and brings comfort. At the funeral pyres, Xena tries to tell her how "it was a good day of fighting."

Sunday, June 20, 2010


One beautiful morning, Gabrielle wakes up with foot rot and Xena with lice! (Xena's searching for Argo now.) Enter Joxer. He's been hired to protect a village from marauders and is looking for their help. As Gabrielle's fungal condition worsens, she heads off to catch some rabbit for breakfast. The rabbit attacks (in Monty Python fashion) after she lures it in, feeding it berries which "play tricks on the mind." They end up eating Joxer's radish stew, instead. Xena wonders why Argo is avoiding her. Was it because she saw Xena ride off on another horse? Gabby uses the chakram to scratch her fungus. So Xena ties Gabrielle's hands to keep her from scratching. Joxer returns. A sarcastic and irritable Gabby begs to be untied and throws up at his feet! Later, we find that Joxer's stew has given our duo stomach problems. Elsewhere, the bad guys capture Argo! Finally, Joxer and the girls arrive at the village. Their sickly condition does not inspire much confidence. We learn that the enemy is after the town's "Greek fire" -which is oil heated deep in the ground. Xena and Gabrielle bathe in the mineral bath and find they've caught each other's rot/lice. AH!!! Later, by an indoor fire, Gabrielle and Xena talk about Argo. Xena figures there's an assassin out to get her. Gabrielle drinks linseed root for her skin -which was supposed to go on her skin! Consequently, her tongue goes numb. That night, the assassin tries to kill Xena to no avail. Gabby drools all over his face in a very funny "pinch" scene. A demanding interrogation. Later, an attack and a fight! Argo's on the dark side? Joxer feeds his stew to the baddies and they are down for the count. Xena tries to free Argo and Gabrielle gets her hair tangled in a shrub while failing to whistle a warning about approaching warlords. Fight! Xena gets her horse back. Another fight! The village is saved. ...Joxer gets sick!

Monday, June 7, 2010


A man goes in search of his dog only to be killed by some (as yet unrevealed) creature. Back at the fateful lava pit, Joxer is laying flowers in memory of Gabrielle. Suddenly, Xena grabs his wrist as she climbs out of the pit! "She's alive," Xena explains. "I had a vision." Joxer's not convinced but he follows Xena to Potadeia anyhow. Xena hears a group of kids cheering for a story and does a double take. But the storyteller isn't Gabrielle. Joxer sits and listens to the puppet show and Xena, quite suddenly, senses something. She turns around. Gabrielle? As they begin to walk towards each other, Joxer steps between them, amazed. She gives him a hug and a quick kiss and he faints. Xena and Gabby happily hug, Joxer heads off to let them catch up, and Gabrielle explains how she had sent out messages. Xena explains that she never got them. Gabrielle "got knocked into a niche in the wall" but Hope didn't survive. Next, Gabby tells Xena that there is danger in Potadeia. Joxer returns. "You guys better take a look at this." It's the remains of the man from the beginning. Later, Joxer and Xena are introduced (or reintroduced) to Gabrielle's family. Her father is harsh towards Xena because he feels she's had a bad influence on his daughter. Later still, Xena sets bait and has a fight with the creature. Sunlight scares it away. "That thing is Dahok's grandchild, the Destroyer." Worse news? "The girl in the other room is not Gabrielle; it's Hope!" And we're back to not knowing if Gabrielle is even alive. Soon "Gabrielle" and her sister, Lila, go for a walk. Xena catches up. Hope causes a broken bridge to collapse, endangering Lila, and then disappears to visit her child/monster. Xena goes on a "search and destroy" mission. Joxer is elsewhere, helping Xena. He crosses paths with Hope. Xena crosses paths with...Gabrielle? "Is that you?" Reunion! Xena let's Gabrielle know that Hope's alive. Joxer has been gagged and hung up by Hope where the Destroyer can eat him! Back at Gabrielle's home, Hope has convinced the family that Xena has wounded her. So, when Xena arrives, they kick her out. The real Gabrielle sneaks in and gives Lila the lowdown. But Hope sneaks up on Gabby! Xena frees Joxer and lets the monster chase her. Hope and Gabrielle share words and then Gabrielle escapes the household. Xena is fighting when Gabrielle walks in and pretends to be Hope. This distracts the Destroyer long enough for Xena to stab it in the back. When Hope comes in, the poor confused beast stabs her! They die together. Later, at night, Gabrielle tells Xena that the same things seem to come around -only they're wearing a different face. "You talk about trying to find your way," Xena says to Gabrielle, "but, to me, you are my way." "How can I be your way when I'm lost myself?" Gabrielle questions. How they look for the answers doesn't matter, reassures Xena. "As long as we look for them together."

Sunday, June 6, 2010


After Xena performs an Amazon purging ritual, she has memories of a fight with Cyane when Borias, who was there to make peace, basically saved Xena's life. Later, Xena and the Amazons prepare for Alti. Meanwhile, Alti summons spirits to aid her cause. These very spirits inhabit the tranced Amazons, Xena fights them off, and the Amazons use their willpower to exorcise themselves. Later, the group makes camp on their way to Alti's stronghold. They set up a charm ring for protection. Xena recalls how Cyane had once asked her to join them. "We can teach you a new way; a new code to live by." Alti shows up saying, "We both live for power." But Cyane interrupts and quickly wins a spiritual duel (which looks a lot like an intense staring contest). Cyane makes her offer again. And we're back in present day. That night, Alti shows up as a spider, then takes the form of Gabrielle, then finally reveals herself as Alti. "Tell me who the blonde one is." Alti reveals to Xena how she cursed Solan before he was ever born. "Make sure that he never experiences the love of either of his parents." (She fears Gabrielle for the same reason that she feared Solan. She knows they have a stronger power than she has and can turn Xena from her darkness.) Xena kills the spider and Alti flees. Next, they head to the stronghold. Xena explains to the group how she murdered Cyane's Amazons at Alti's bidding. Flashback to a fight in the trees! Suddenly, in present day, Xena puts the pinch on everyone in the group -including herself. (Alti's spirits are close and there is no time for a trance dance.) Their spirits join Xena's and she faces Alti. Another fight in the trees! Alti shows Xena pieces of her future in order to make her live her death. And, in a pivotal moment, Alti shows Xena the crucifixion of Xena...and of a short-haired Gabrielle! She's ALIVE?!?! Xena kills Alti, un-pinches everybody, discovers the new holy word (love), and says farewell!

Saturday, May 22, 2010


Xena tracks down Hades and discovers that Greek Amazons go to a different land of the dead. And Xena heads off on a horse other than Argo. She kills an animal, collects some herbs, and begins to hear Gabrielle's voice calling her name. She has flashbacks of being with Borias and meeting a Shamaness named Alti. This Alti correctly perceives that Xena is with child. (Solan!) In present day, Xena has adorned herself in Shaman garb. She finds a dead Amazon, fights off some thugs, and buries her. Some other Amazons witness this from a distance. Xena has memories of Gabrielle and mourns. She remembers Alti teaching her that she can visit the dead. Xena slaughters the horse, drinks blood, and goes into a dance trance. "She must want to cross over to the other side and she needs the horse's spirit to do that," says one of the spying Amazons. Suddenly, Xena falls and her spirit is transported to the land of the dead. She meets the Amazon that she buried earlier and tells her about Alti. We hear Alti claim she'll make Xena "the destroyer of nations." Xena also meets the legendary Cyane, Queen of the Amazons. "I killed her." She and her tribe are stuck there. (Alti's doing.) Meanwhile, the spying Amazons relocate Xena's body. Back in the land of the dead, as Xena is told the path to Gabrielle, Xena realizes that she can't follow. "There's something I gotta do; something you'd want me to do." She's going to try to stop Alti and find the right holy word that will allow the Amazons to fully cross over into eternity. Xena returns to the land of the living. Soon, she finds herself fighting the Berserker. He has the power to make you relive your past. But Xena defeats him. And, since this power is ultimately Alti's, she must be defeated next. To be continued....

Friday, May 21, 2010


Xena and Callisto fight! Xena traps her under boulders yet again. Another fight! Xena vs. Hope's special powers. Callisto frees herself. (That didn't take long.) Xena things Gabby's protecting Hope when she's really protecting Xena. So Gabby clears the air. Xena notes how "the one I love the most in all the world and the one I hate look exactly the same." (I didn't know Xena liked Hope so much.... Just kidding!) Callisto disguises Hope in a getup just like Gabby's. We see Ares kneel before Dahok's flames in servitude. Later, after Hope mentions something about unfinished business, Ares and Hope share a few kisses! Callisto finds Xena and tries to switch sides. Seems Hope isn't giving her oblivion soon enough and she's getting impatient. She's after something called the hind's-blood dagger. (It can kill a god.) Xena eventually allows her help. Elsewhere, Joxer and Hope cross paths and he thinks it's Gabrielle. Soon, Xena makes the same mistake. (Hope's trying to find the dagger to kill the Olympian gods.) When Xena realizes who it really is, Ares shows up and disappears with Hope. Later, as the gang travels, Joxer falls off his horse and Xena harshly makes him leave their company.... We learn that Hope is pregnant with Ares' child! Hope and Gabby have a talk. "Come be my mother." But Gabby's sorry the poison didn't finish Hope off! Next, Xena and Gabrielle have a talk. Xena is fully expecting to die in this fight. Fight! Turns out that Joxer was sent to get the dagger -which Xena now takes. Callisto takes out Ares while Hope tries to turn the blade on Xena as she goes in for the kill. But Gabrielle yells and tackles Hope and both fall into a deep lava pit! NO! Callisto gains some meaning to her life, having witnessed this, and a stunned Xena turns around and kills her.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010


Callisto escapes from a portal in the sky! Elsewhere, Xena and Gabrielle rescue Gabby's childhood friend, Seraphin, from being sacrificed. We learn that she wanted to be sacrificed...for the goddess, Hope! Hope is helpless and in a cocoon awaiting her rebirth. She has promised Callisto oblivion in return for her help. Ares feels the threat of all this. Later, Xena manages to trap Callisto under some boulders. With Callisto out of the way, Xena goes in to kill Hope. But as she goes in for the kill, Ares disappears with Hope! Next, Xena, Gabrielle and Seraphin escape a zombie-like crowd of disciples. Seraphin places enough doubt (about Hope's evil nature) in Gabrielle for her to let Seraphin go free. However, it was an act and all part of Xena's plan. "That was good," says Xena. "Seraphin should lead me right to her." While Xena follows, Ares takes Gabrielle to the Fates. He's calling in her debt! (Remember how he got her to Chin ahead of Xena?) "The burden is on Gabrielle," says the Fates. If Xena kills Hope, they will cut Xena's life thread! Elsewhere, Xena throws her chakram just as the priests are about to sacrifice Seraphin...again. A fight! Seraphin is wounded and smears her blood on the cocoon to release the newly strengthened Hope. And just as Xena tries to kill Hope before she is reborn, Gabby comes out of nowhere and tackles her! Hope is reborn! And she looks just like mommy. To be continued....

Tuesday, May 11, 2010


Some guy named Adar gives a speech honoring a statue called Pax. It's a symbol of peace for the surrounding villages. However, it quickly goes missing. But who is in charge of this misguided, albeit impressive, act? Xena soon finds Autolycus hiding incognito amongst the crowd. Only, she finds him disappointed that he didn't steal it himself! His reputation as the King of Thieves is at stake. So, in order to regain his title, the gang agrees to steal Pax back "the Autolycus way." (Xena is talked into this because Autolycus saved her life back when she inhabited his body.) They learn that the thief is a man called Tarsus. To the ship! Gabrielle goes in first, disguised, and makes an offer for Pax. Next comes a disguised Xena. The first step is to keep Tarsus from melting down the statue. Auto is introduced as Xena's slave. He causes a diversion while Xena causes the furnace to lose heat. Later, Auto sees an optical illusion in the castle and gets an idea. Meanwhile, the gals bid over Pax and Xena wins. Gabrielle joins the following party while Xena and Auto get some paint. They soon join the party, however, where Tarsus is revealed as the man who killed Autolycus' brother! Not only that, but he recognizes and points out Autolycus! To the locks and chains for Auto! Xena is tied up and gagged. (That lasts a whole five seconds.) She meets up with Gabrielle and they figure out that Autolycus' new plan is to kill Tarsus! Xena talks him out of it. (What would your brother want and all of that.) A fight! Pax, after being hidden via optical illusion, is returned.

Monday, May 10, 2010


Gabrielle sees a fortune-teller who foresees danger and death. (A typical day!) Xena tells Gabby that fate is more what you make of it. They split up to get supplies when Gabby finds Autolycus boarding a ship as a convict! She gets arrested trying to free him and the ship leaves port. Xena hops on board and discovers that Auto wanted to be captured! (The convicts were being sent to mine diamonds.) Suddenly, passengers begin feeling the ship jolt. (Gabrielle learns that Thadeus, the man in charge, has a wife named Soraya who is secretly pregnant.) Xena discovers that the sea level has dropped significantly. In fear, the captain changes course. Too slow! They're hit by a tsunami and the ship is sent floating upside down underwater! Xena is relieved to find her friend alright "'cause I need your help." Xena helps Thadeus (who has a broken leg) while Macon (one of the convicts) opens Door #1. This releases air making the ship sink lower! They manage to steer themselves onto the reef's edge near a geyser. "What are we going to do?" asks Gabrielle. "I'm workin' on it," Xena replies. Auto feels guilt about getting his friends in this situation, but he says something that gives Xena an idea. Soon, one by one, they're gonna ride the geyser's current to the surface breathing with wineskins. Soraya finally tells her husband that they're going to be a family. On the way up, Macon loses his air bag and fights Xena for hers. Xena saves him regardless. "Why'd you come back? What did you expect?" he later asks Xena. "From you? Nothing. From me, nothing less." And Thadeus learns to treat people fairly.

Friday, April 23, 2010


Aphrodite has stolen a mystic diamond for use in her own constellation. And, so that Xena and her "pesky posse" (Gabrielle and Joxer) don't get in the way, she puts a spell of obsession on each of them depending on what they are thinking/looking at. Coincidentally, Joxer becomes obsessed with acting like an Ape from a love story, Gabby becomes full of herself, and Xena just has to go fishing! Xena maintains focus (somewhat) on retrieving the diamond. She creates an avalanche...then she goes fishing. Soon, while preparing a fire, she notices that Gabrielle is missing! She saves her from drowning! (Gabby had fallen in the water while trying to kiss her own reflection!) Then, while talking to Joxer, Gabrielle appears to him as a she-monkey. And Xena remembers catching fish with a young Lyceus. They had found a "great opponent" (for a fish) named Solaris. Now Xena has a renewed interest in catching him. She cuts off a piece of Gabrielle's hair to use as bait. "Do you ever get the feeling that we're forgetting something really important?" asks Gabrielle. "That diamond thing," replies Xena. The next thing we know, the ape-man returns and takes Gabby away. Xena rescues her...and goes back to fishing. Then, Xena inspires jealousy in Gabrielle, making her think that Aphrodite only wanted the diamond because she thinks she's more deserving/perfect. Thus, Xena uses Gabrielle's obsession to put her focus back on the diamond. Gabby finds the diverted thugs and fights them, capturing the gem. Joxer helps. Finally, Xena launches the diamond into the heavens (along with Solaris -who took it as bait). Suddenly, with some insight, the spell lifts from each of them in turn. Well, except for Joxer. (They'll help him tomorrow. Anything to torture the poor guy!) Xena learns to make sure Gabrielle feels appreciated for a change.


Looks like Gabrielle's past has finally caught up with her. She has memories of what happened with Hope and they're affecting her ability to even eat and sleep. "It's like I'm paying for something but I don't know what it is." Xena is elsewhere, so Joxer steps up to try and help. But Gabrielle eventually decides to enter the temple of Mnemosyne. The priestess there has the ability to empty a person of all their memories. Even the good ones! Gabrielle learns that her memory has three rivers and that she must cross them all in order to find the answer to her pain. Only then will she make the decision to lose her memories or to keep them. Soon, Joxer breaks his way into the temple to rescue Gabrielle. But he leaves with a memory-less version of her. Next, we see the journeying Gabrielle on the bank of the first river. Ares appears and warns her! She steps into this River of Wailing anyway. She remembers losing her blood innocence and all that went down with Crassus. She ends up covered in blood and screaming! After that ordeal passes, she manages to make her way to the icy River of Woe. Ares warns her yet again. Elsewhere, Joxer tries to remind the shell of Gabrielle who she is. (The first scroll he reads to her is called "Sins of the Past!") Meanwhile, the journeying Gabrielle falls into the water and remembers what happened in China. (Joxer is busy making himself out to be mighty.) After a setback, Gabrielle moves forward through a fiery river where she recalls Illusia...and the moment when Xena left Gabrielle to head off to Chin. It was Ares! He's the one who transported Gabrielle to China ahead of Xena! And, most importantly, we learn that Gabrielle's motivation wasn't to stop Xena from killing. It wasn't to save a best friend. No, it was out of jealousy over Lao Ma. She was jealous that someone else might be more important to Xena than herself! This has been torturing Gabby because her action (based on such a petty feeling) nearly destroyed her best friend. Now that she has the answer, does she decide to get rid of her memories? Back with Joxer, Gabrielle's memories return to her in full! Suddenly, Xena shows up. She knew what was going on with Gabrielle (Gabby talks in her sleep) and had them wait at the temple to give her a chance to deal with it all. Now, Xena's just glad that she made it back. Gabrielle tries to apologize to Xena. "No, it's over," Xena replies.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010


A legendary fighter named Vercinix is captured in a battle against the Romans in Gaul. Enter Caesar. He plans to have Vercinix executed for the people and, more importantly, Caesar's reputation. In Syria, Xena captures another man for herself. We learn that this man is not only a member of the triumvirate of Imperial Rome, but he is useful to Xena. "I'm gonna trade you for Vercinix." Back at Caesar's palace, Caesar is taken by surprise by Xena and Gabrielle's presence. He goes to see for himself that Xena has Crassus (alive) while Gabby stays behind as collateral. Xena then agrees to accompany Caesar at a "show off Vercinix" party he's already planned. Meanwhile, Gabrielle has concerns over both Xena's ability to NOT assassinate Caesar and for Crassus' safety in the trade off. (She's afraid he'll be executed in place of Vercinix.) Caesar allows Xena to visit Vercinix in prison where she makes a mold of his prison cell's key. We soon learn that Caesar's not going through with the trade after all! Xena guesses that, once Caesar realizes he's about to execute Crassus in place of Vercinix, it won't matter anymore. Crassus will die. Of course, Gabrielle can't stand the thought of sending a man to his death, so she plans to give him back his Imperial Ring (which identifies him as Crassus) to spare his life at the hands of the guards. Later, acting like a drunk, Gabrielle intentionally gets herself and Crassus thrown into the prison where Vercinix waits. Even later still, Caesar captures Xena and has her thrown in prison, too. With Crassus drugged and asleep, the gang unlock the doors and make the switch. Soon, Xena is brought out for a spectacle of combat. She's killing time. Meanwhile, as Gabrielle and Vercinix escape, Gabrielle is moved by Vercinix's story and decides that Crassus' death is something that need not be prevented. She doesn't give him his ring! Xena wins the fight and is taken back to her cell. (But we all know how well that holds her!) Crassus is unveiled and Caesar is shocked. But the people think it's Vercinix and want him dead. "Give the people what they want." And Crassus is executed shouting, "Tell them who I am!" Gabrielle wonders what is happening to her and Xena wonders how many more times she is going to hurt Gabrielle.

Monday, April 19, 2010


Joxer wins big money gambling and is quickly conned out of it in an amusing little scene by two con men. Thinking himself all the richer, Joxer walks away with fool's gold. But the real trouble starts when some thugs from the gaming house beat Joxer up when he doesn't have the cash on his person. (Some people are just sore losers!) Xena and Gabrielle find him near death and take him into their care. (Gabby's got a freshly sprained ankle!) Xena finds the two con men, Eldon and Rafe, and recruits their help to go up against the owner of the gaming house, Titus, and his son, Leo. In the process, Eldon bets Rafe that he can't get Xena to even kiss him.... The plan is to take Titus for all he's worth. And Xena quickly guesses their petty bet concerning herself. Damn! They head to the gaming house where Gabby soon gets caught sneaking around. (Intentional!) Xena steps in and even has a tempting murderous moment that Gabrielle pulls her out of. Later, after Xena shamelessly undresses and dresses infront of Rafe, we find Joxer has come back to consciousness. (He wants to go after Titus for himself.) The gang trick Leo into coughing up one of Titus' jewels and so the depletion of riches begins. But now Joxer is missing! Wait...they found him. A fight! Later, Rafe and Xena nearly kiss for real. And we learn that Eldon is giving inside help to Titus. Hm. The next thing we know, Rafe comes after him for being a traitor and Eldon stabs him in the side. All this happens infront of Titus and everyone else in the gaming house. The kiss happens. Thinking he won't be tricked with Rafe dead, Titus agrees to play Xena in a card game; winner takes all. Xena wins. Rafe, alive, joins the following fight. (Yes, it was all a scheme. Even Eldon's part.) And, in a humorous ending, they begin to try to explain the whole story to Joxer -starting with the "gold nugget." Poor Joxer. (P.S. Xena finds Rafe to be genuine after all.)


A temple is attacked and the urn of Apollo is stolen! The priest comes to Xena and Gabrielle for help. Soon, some punk teenager picks on Gabby and gives her a beating. She's done some bad deeds in her past and wants to "turn it around." Looking past the bad start she made with Gabrielle, Xena agrees to let this Tara show them the thieves' hideout. Tara soon begins to prove herself. Gabrielle teaches Xena that "it's easier to believe in yourself after someone else has believed in you first." By the campfire that night, Tara continues to test Gabrielle. Xena teaches Tara that being unselfish is a good place to start doing good. Later, after the gang splits up for strategic reasons, Tara and Gabrielle get themselves trapped. Xena saves them in the nick of time! Then, left alone once again, Gabrielle gives Tara a little tough love. That night, Gabby invents Charades! And we get an idea (from a kiss) that Tara might be a traitor. Next, the three sneak into a castle in search of the urn. Tara finds it first and runs off with it! WTF? But it turns out, when it comes down to it, she wants to return it to the temple of Apollo. Good thing, too. Because her partner in crime was just using her. Anyway, a fight! The urn is returned and Tara and Gabrielle are anointed by the urn for forgiveness. Xena, however, walks out.

Saturday, April 17, 2010


Gabrielle sprains her ankle trying to do one of Xena's flips. She and Xena are then informed that the Persians are after Athens. (And if Athens falls, Greece is lost.) "What are we going to do?" "Stop them." Later, on their way to create a landslide that will divert the Persians, Xena and Gabrielle are attacked by a soldier. He admits to being a Spartan deserter. Xena offers him the chance to redeem himself by joining their efforts against the Persians. Soon, they are attacked by an advance party and Gabrielle is shot through the chest with an arrow! A poison arrow! The "deserter" is sent away on some mission and Xena informs the injured Gabby that he's actually a Persian spy! (Xena's tricked him into telling the Persians of a landslide that they no longer have time to create. That way, they'll be diverted anyway.) Xena and Gabrielle are off to Tripolis for the antidote. But it's not there! Gabby keeps a good attitude even though they soon find out that the arrow has grazed her lung and she no longer has much time. Choice: save Athens or leave and save Gabrielle. Gabrielle, with her health quickly deteriorating, pleads with Xena to work for the greater good. So...Xena prepares to take on an army alone! "Even in death, Gabrielle, I will never leave you." (Gorgeous music in this episode, by the way.) Gabrielle apologizes "about China." "That's all in the past. All I want is to be with you right now." BUT here come the Persians! Big fight! The spy returns and tries to kill Gabrielle. Xena stabs him with a poison arrow. He leads her to a bottle of the antidote! She fends off the army with impressive skill. "Go home; there are thousands more like me." Gabrielle is saved!

Saturday, April 3, 2010


Gabrielle has been undergoing an Amazon purification ritual for 3 days. Xena is elsewhere singing a mournful melody on a mountaintop when Ares appears and inspires vengeance against Gabrielle. Also, a vision of Callisto appears to Gabrielle and inspires hatred against Xena for deserting her in Brittania. Joxer is concerned for Gabrielle's well-being and gets her out of the hut. Just then, Argo gallops into the camp carrying one angry warrior princess. Xena gives Ephiny, the Amazons, and Joxer a beating and then violently drags Gabrielle behind her running horse (NOT Argo) to a cliff where they both fall. Suddenly, as they land in the water, we hear Callisto's voice reciting something poetic. She looks...different. (Maxfield Parrish's artistic influence is beginning to show!) "Don't use words; sing a song! This is Illusia!" Yep, it's a MUSICAL, folks! Commence song sung by tarot card characters! Next, Gabrielle too is pulled nude from the waters -only, by Joxer. (He's dressed just as colorfully as Callisto.) He, too, clothes her. (There will be many costume changes.) Then we have a Xena war number followed by a Gabby in Potadeia number. The two worlds clash and it ends with Xena running Gabrielle through with a sword! After a song and dance with Ares, however, Xena feels remorse. "Did that ease your suffering?" asks Callisto. Then Gabrielle appears! Alive! "You killed me!" "I killed an illusion." "If that's supposed to make me feel better...." Next, the duo are transported to a large hall where they blame each other in song. Suddenly, Dahak's flames transport them to where Gabrielle lost her blood innocence. A song about hate is sung by their enemies: Callisto, Ares, Caesar, Khrafstar, and even each other. "That's what we're fighting -hatred!" Next is a loving "how could I hate you" tune. All of the bad guys burst away -except for one mysteriously cloaked figure.... Next, they find Solan at a waterfall. And the one enemey unveils himself as Ming Tien! Xena admits to killing him. "You lied?" asks Gabrielle. Xena asks for forgiveness in song. She also tells Solan she's his mother and apologizes, listing her regrets. Gabrielle offers her hand to pull Xena through the waters. Ming Tien bursts away and the next thing we know they are out of Illusia as friends once again.

Friday, April 2, 2010


Xena and Gabrielle return to the village where Solan lives. We are reintroduced to Kaleipus, Solan's caretaker. There's some sort of treaty in the works and Gabrielle jerks at the mention of "hope." Elsewhere, Callisto somehow escapes from fire (still a god) with the help of a young girl. Back in the village, Ephiny surprises Gabrielle with her presence but notices that something is wrong. Gabby tells of her child, Hope, and that "she died." Soon, the aforementioned young girl (who calles herself "Fayla") crosses paths with Gabrielle, looking for Xena. She has a message from Callisto who knows about Solan! We learn that "Fayla" is Hope!!! And, unfortunately, she's become Daddy's little girl. Soon, Gabrielle too learns that the child is her own (Hope already knew) but she keeps it to herself. She tells Hope to wait in the hut until she gets back. Xena and Gabrielle leave to fool Callisto with the "old bait and switch." Meanwhile, Hope, on her way to the hut, kills Kaleipus! Xena agrees to raise Solan in his stead and Solan wishes this, too. (It seems that Xena plans on telling Solan, while on the road, that she's his mom.) Finally, "Fayla" and Gabrielle meet up in the hut where Gabrielle reveals to Hope that she's her mother. Ignorant of the child's evil essence, Gabby takes her to Kaleipus' hut where Solan is also hiding. Then she tells Ephiny and Xena that Callisto is targeting the children. She also confesses to Xena that the child is Hope. But once Xena finds out that Solan is in danger, she B lines it outta there. And she finds Solan...dead. Oh no! Callisto is brought no real satisfaction from his death but that doesn't stop Xena from trapping her once again. Gabrielle, now hopeless, has poisoned Hope and nearly drinks some herself. At the funeral, Xena blames Gabrielle. Consider this friendship in danger....


Some young delinquents graffiti Aphrodite's temple in favor of Xena. Ares blames Gabrielle -whose scrolls have created a legend. So Aphrodite decides to put a spell on Gabrielle's scroll that makes anything she writes come true. Once Gabby catches on, she tries using her power for good. (She and Joxer are traveling together while Xena has gone fishing.) However, trouble proves to be unavoidable as an outcome and even her phrasing begins causing problems. In the mix, Ares and Aphrodite lose their powers and Minya arrives on scene. Joxer asks for love advice (about Gabrielle) from Aphrodite. He writes a limerick on the enchanted scroll accidentally causing three naked Gabrielles to appear. He charmingly sells his sword to buy Gabby a necklace "to say sorry." The scroll (which was hidden in the scabbard) gets lost in the transaction! To the caves! A chase ensues over possession of the scroll! Gabby has the scroll sent to Xena who figures out that if truer words are written, the spell will break. A fish fight! (Commentated by Joxer.) Gabrielle writes the facts and, suddenly, the gods get their powers back. The spell is broken! Hooray!

Wednesday, March 31, 2010


Xena seems...strange. She's given up her warrior ways, serves the virgin goddess Hestia, and speaks with a funny impediment. AND she's about to be burned at the stake for it! Gabrielle, thinking it a test, saves Xena -only to learn that she's actually another look-alike. Not Diana. Not Meg. It's Leah -a priestess! Later, Gabby (who is quite amused) finds Xena and breaks the news. A funny mix of faiths comes into play. Somehow, Xena suspects foul play against Leah. Upon entering the Hestian temple, they find none other than Meg who is posing as Leah! Xena goes to talk to Meg while Gabby helps Leah pose as the same. Gabby manages to crack a masturbation joke in the process.... At the tavern, Joxer arrives and the tramps go wild. He is, however, mortified when Gabrielle shows up! Elsewhere, Leah spills the whole plan to the inside guy. Mistake! (There's a lot of confusion around this point and it leaves us guessing who is who and where.) Anyhow, Joxer gets himself in prison trying to save Meg and plays the "Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon" game -except a warrior's name replaces Kevin Bacon. (It's funny that he refers to his own times as "mythology.") Xena frees Joxer. A fight! Leah foils the bad guy's plans and then Xena steps in to finish them off.


While getting information from a man in prison, Xena finds Joxer in the stocks. She buys him out. Elsewhere, Autolycus steals a sword but his partner in crime kills a man in the process! Not only that, but this assassin is...Joxer?! Wrong again! Turns out it was Joxer's look-alike brother, Jett. In fact, Joxer's whole family is ruthless. (That explains a lot.) Gabrielle soon crosses paths with the real Joxer and Autolycus and they decide to stop Jett from killing again. We learn that Cleopatra is his next target. Auto successfully sneaks inside her palace, but Joxer and Gabrielle get thrown into the dungeon! Auto soon gets caught, however, he saves himself at the mention of Xena's name. (Cleo is in need of a warrior. Her brother is out to have her killed, she knows.) We learn that her brother has men on the inside working for him. Joxer, mistaken for Jett, is released from the dungeon. He leaves Gabrielle locked up for her own protection. Jett himself soon makes it into the castle and runs into Auto. Later, Auto and Cleo have a negotiation full of double entendres. Meanwhile, Gabrielle tricks her way out of her cell. (That guard is funny!) She runs into Jett (thinking it's Joxer) who plays it off. Jett then finds Joxer and gives him a...brotherly welcome. (We also learn of yet another brother, Jace.) Eventually, the three warn the guard of the assassination plot but are, on account of the inside men, captured in return! (Except Joxer who poses as Jett in front of the guard.) Suddenly, Xena shows up! She frees our prisoners, Joxer stands up to Jett, and the murder is interfered with. A fight! We leave off with Joxer and Jett's heart to heart. Jett goes to prison and our heroes go on with life.

Saturday, March 27, 2010


Gabrielle wants to visit Xena in prison but the law won't permit it. "I hear you were betrayed by a friend," says a guard to Xena. "No, not by a friend," she replies! They've got her in this huge, horrible head stock. Meanwhile, Ming explains how Xena taught him to rule. Flashbacks! We also learn of Lao Ma's execution. We witness more great lessons from Lao. "To conquer others is to have power; to conquer yourself is to know the way." Ming Tien is Lao Ma's son. Meanwhile, in the present day, Gabrielle gives Xena smack for not promising to never attempt such assassination again. Flashback to Lao healing evil Xena's bad leg. Xena is condemned to death in the present day, so Gabrielle is finally allowed to visit her in prison. She gives a heartbreaking plea for Xena's forgiveness, talking about her own self-hatred. It works. We learn of an important origin: "You're going to help me run the Kingdom of Lao. You'll be my warrior princess." And that this debt to Lao Ma is there because she helped Xena to be reborn. Xena is taken to her execution. But she remembers all the teachings and transcends, becomes spiritually powerful, and defeats them all. Xena lets on that, though Ming Tien is still alive in the rubble, she won't kill him. But, after he rants about his mother's execution (which was at his own hands) and how she cried like a baby, Xena does kill him -privately. Now Gabrielle is the one with no idea.


In the middle of the night, Xena wakes to find Gabrielle missing. She finds her a short distance away and is thanked for standing by Gabrielle "through everything." A messenger then arrives, sent by someone who is "soft as water; hard as the raging flood." (Xena recognizes this.) Ambush! (Xena kills in an Indiana Jones fashion!) Message: The Green Dragon has become too large and must be made small. Xena doesn't want Gabby coming along on this mission because she's going out of her way to kill someone. Xena tries to explain. (Let the flashbacks begin!) Evil Xena travelled east to lose herself in vengeance after Caesar left his mark on her. She and Borias were after the riches of Chin. They arrange a meeting to try and make a few deals. Meet young Ming Tien, the son of Ming Tzu. Later, while making love on horseback, Borias ditches Xena for another meeting. Meet Lao Ma. An agreement is made but Xena wants to kill Lao Ma. (She didn't want her civilizing influence around Borias.) BUT, it turns out that Lao can fight back! So begins Xena's training...for good. (We learn that the Green Dragon is Ming Tien.) Back in the present day, X & G part ways. "You owe someone so much that you would just throw away these last few years?" asks Gabrielle. "Yes," replies Xena. To the ship! Xena remembers being captured after Borias gave her up. (He was tired of her ruining their alliances.) Ming Tzu, her captor, set her loose for the purpose of hunting her! But Lao Ma secretly intervened. "You don't know it yet, Xena, but you're a remarkable woman, capable of greatness." She hides Xena in a bath in her home. She treats her with kindness and dresses her in the customary clothing. Back to present day: Xena sneaks into Ming Tien's palace wearing camo. She has flashbacks of her more recent life; doubts, if you will. Eff it. She goes in for the kill anyway. But instead of a grown up Ming Tien, she finds...Gabrielle! "I'm sorry, Xena. I couldn't let you do this."

Friday, March 26, 2010


Gabrielle awakes after having "that dream again" where she loses her blood innocence. It makes her sick but Xena tries to bring some comfort. On their way off the island, Xena is attacked by a group of banshees. (They won't beat up on Gabrielle. They call her "the chosen one.") Gabrielle questions her goodness but Xena interrupts such thoughts. They head indoors to get some food. Xena then heads out to try and find a boat back to Greece while Gabby, feeling better, orders a meal fit for a pregnant woman. But soon Gabby finds herself under attack by villagers who are calling her a witch and wanting her dead! Xena intervenes but then the banshees take Gabrielle! They inform her that she carries a child that will bring a new order to the world. "The child of darkness." Xena and Gabrielle escape to some sort of fortress. Gabrielle gives birth to Dahak's daughter (dubbed "Hope") and gets quickly attached. (The child grows just as quickly.) During the night, Hope seems to have killed one of the fortress' warriors. But Gabby won't let Xena kill the child in return. She runs off on horse. By the time Xena catches up, she finds Gabrielle claiming that the child turned on her and so she threw her off of the cliff. Once Xena's finally convinced, we learn that, in truth, Gabrielle sent the baby down a river in a basket. Xena has no idea. That night, Gabrielle pleads to the skies for Hope to be good.


We learn of a new cult and god that even Ares fears. Elsewhere, after Gabrielle nearly discovers the concept of the atom, Xena frees a number of Caesar's captives. They learn of a woman named Boadicea who is going up against Caesar. One of the men is called Khrafstar, first priest of the temple of the one god. Xena joins him against Caesar. To the ship! Turns out, Xena had once used Boadicea and ordered her killed. Soon enough, the two meet up again and join forces. A fight! Gabrielle and Khrafstar are captured! Caesar plans to use Gabrielle against Xena. He hangs them on crosses. And, just before their legs are to be broken, Xena ambushes Caesar's troops and wins. Caesar calls for reinforcements. Next, Xena and Boadicea take a temple for strategic purposes. Ares warns Xena that the one god is evil. And there is Gabrielle...joining a cult! Suddenly, the members of the cult tie up Khrafstar, supposedly in order to sacrifice him against his will. (We learn the one god is Dahok.) Gabrielle fights and frees Khrafstar and, on an instict, turns around to stab the woman who is trying to kill him. She lost her "innocence of evil!" With that, Khrafstar begins to creepily speak his thanks. It was all a trick! Elsewhere, Xena's focus on Caesar is shifted towards the ominous sky over the temple. She runs to Gabrielle and learns of what has taken place. A fight! Dahok's flames take over Gabrielle and Khrafstar turns into one ugly dude, proclaiming himself as "the deliverer." Xena destroys him in the flames. "Everything's changed," says Gabrielle. "Everything." (By the way, the remains of the temple is modern day Stonehenge. ...In case you didn't know.)


An army is destroyed with Ares' new weapons and armor -made from an impenetrable metal. Elsewhere, Xena keeps a man from being executed. She seeks his assistance in going up against Ares. But he's not the only one. Xena breaks into a prison to recruit another three -two men and a woman. Soon, the gang wards of a band of these armed men whose head warlord is called Agathon. We learn that Agathon is now out to kill Xena. X & G have a heart to heart and Gabby questions the power of Xena's influence. She wonders if she would have been influenced for bad if she'd met Xena beforehand. (Xena had changed their recruits for evil once upon a time.) "Am I really who I am or am I what you made me?" Later, one of the men turns on Xena and gets killed for it. Ares appears and warns Xena that if she attacks, Agathon is going to kill her; he's promised to not intervene. But Xena invades the castle where Agathon is working anyway. Suddenly, Xena is captured and we understand that her new team has betrayed her! (Well, everyone except for the woman.) While behind bars, Xena wonders if it'd been herself who would have changed had she met Gabrielle sooner, thereby questioning the power of Gabrielle's influence. Soon, we learn that the "capture" was part of the plan! (Although one of the guys actually did turn on them.) They are helped out of prison. A fight! Xena and Agathon have a showdown. Xena wins! They blow up the castle.... The woman and the one man left head east together. And Xena concludes that "nobody made you who you are; it was already there. Question is who would I be without you?"

Wednesday, March 24, 2010


This is Xena meets Groundhog Day. A day goes about as normally as ever for Xena, Gabrielle, and Joxer. We learn of a family fued in the town where they are staying. Joxer steps in the middle of a fight and gets himself killed. Gabby falls asleep with Xena before the funeral pyre. The "next" day, Joxer lives again! But Argo later gets killed instead! We learn that only Xena remembers that the day is repeating itself. "Yesterday" never happened for the others. The day begins anew and Argo lives. Xena has caught onto the fact that only she can fix...well, whatever it is that the day is repeating itself for. The search begins! Prevention is key when it comes to all the fighting. So Xena does her research on the fued. In the process, Xena saves an old man, kills a rooster, gets killed along with Gabrielle and Joxer, Xena kills Joxer, and Joxer and Gabrielle learn to TRUST Xena. Xena learns that she has to stop a woman (who's in love with a man from a rival house) from drinking poison. How? With her chakram, of course! Success! Finally! A new day arrives!

Friday, January 22, 2010


The scantily clad Furies do a dance for Ares. He's given a complaint and wants a judgement against Xena. She is to be punished by persecution and madness. Elsewhere, Xena and Gabrielle race -but are interrupted by thugs. A fight! Xena starts going cuckoo in a cartoon-like three stooges type fight. The next thing we know, she's standing naked in front of some villagers at night, bringing "retribution." "They've crucified the women and children!" Gabrielle grows very concerned and they head to the temple of the Furies. There they learn that Xena must avenge the murder of her father to satisfy the Furies! Next, Xena suffers from delusions. Then Xena visits her mother, Cyrene. Turns out, she killed Xena's father (protecting Xena). We hear Xena give her rendition of Shakespeare's famous Macbeth speech. Then she heads to a cliff where she seems to contemplate jumping. Ares seems to talk her out of it. (We learn later that this was all part of her plan. She's got enough sanity to know her situation.) Later, Xena convinces the Furies that Ares is her father (since her father came home unexpectedly from war the night she was conceived). Xena delivers something of a denouement. But why would Ares want her mad? "A mad Xena would be more sympathetic to his quaint worldview." To make her alleged half-godness convincing, she fights Ares and wins. The insanity is lifted!


Cupid's son, Bliss, gets a hold of Cupid's arrows and takes off. Meanwhile, Xena and Gabrielle are trying to stop Draco from attacking some Hestia virgins. Xena gets hit by an arrow and falls for the first one she sees -Draco. Gabby assumes it's all "part of her plan." Xena later tries to cool down and decides to try and change Draco into one of the good guys. Gabrielle grows suspicious of trouble. Xena foils one of Draco's plans, but Gabby and Joxer have gotten themselves tied to a pole. As Xena unties them, Gabrielle is struck. Who does she fall for first? (Almost Xena!) Joxer! Next, in what is teased as a sex scene, Draco and Xena talk while arm wrestling. The same thing is teased with Joxer and Gabby, but they're singing his theme song! Soon, Xena and Draco's game gets Xena runs away to cool off in a cold lake! The temple is attacked! During all this, Cupid's arrow strikes Draco and he falls for Gabrielle. Before we know it, Joxer...and Gabby...are captured. "This love stuff is a real PAIN!" says Xena. Draco's gonna kill Joxer for having Gabby's affections. Xena saves them and they head back to the temple. Draco calls a truce to talk. He mentions his "woman" (Gabby) and Xena says, "Well, ain't love a bitch." He threatens to torch the temple. "You would kill the woman you love?" asks Xena. "Would you?" Xena seems to give in to his threat by releasing the virgins, but works it out to look like Draco was trying to double-cross his partner in crime. A fight! The virgins fall for Draco's warriors! CHAOS! Xena finally figures out that these feelings (which seem real but aren't) are from Cupid's arrows! She tells Draco that "if you want to win her love you'd better change yourself." Cupid himself catches on and grounds little Bliss. He puts everyone back to normal. "Easy come; easy go." And, funnily/tragically enough, Joxer's love won't go away. "Cupid, forget it," says Xena, "He's for real." "Oh. Happens." And, to keep Draco "good," the spell stays on him.

Monday, January 18, 2010


When the ship that Xena and Gabrielle are traveling on is destroyed in a storm, Gabrielle is brought aboard the ship of Cecrops, the Lost Mariner. If you try to escape his ship, you are mysteriously destroyed by Poseidon's curse. Cecrops can never return to land until "love redeems me." Xena finally makes her way onto the ship as well. (That was quite a jump!) We learn of the woman whom Cecrops loved. (She died about 300 years ago.) Later, Poseidon shows up and offers safe leave for Xena and Gabrielle. Xena, who seems to think this a sign that they're getting close to finding a way to lift the curse, refuses his offer. (Gabby doesn't seem so sure!) The key must be at Charybdis! Turns out Cecrops is harboring guilt for cursing innocents. And Poseidon soon makes another offer. If Cecrops throws Xena overboards into Charybdis, he will grant freedom to Cecrops and his crew. To Charybdis! It's tempting, but Cecrops can't do it. "It's my love for others!" He throws himself in instead! (All this time he had been asking, "Who's gonna love me?") The curse is lifted and everybody washes onto shore. "So it's more important to remember the love you can give instead of the love you can receive, right?"


Yum. Fish for breakfast! Suddenly, a tribe known as "the horde" are upon Xena and Gabrielle. Quick! To the canoe! Even Xena seems scared. She's run into them before. During their escape, they manage to find their way into a hopelessly surrounded fortress. We hear the dying horde calling out, "kaltaka." (Probably the name of their god of war.) Soon, Xena takes command. "We're gonna kill 'em all!" Gabrielle, on the other hand, takes charge of the makeshift hospice. But Xena meddles with Gabrielle's conscience, coming to a low point when she kills a fleeing man. "There are no good choices, only lesser degrees of evil," she explains about war. But Gabrielle wants to at least try to understand this horde. Another attack! Xena takes a prisoner. Gabrielle learns from him that "kaltaka" means "water!" She also learns that the price of war is losing your humanity -which is reflected in Xena's recent behavior. SO Gabby heads to the battlefield to aid the dying enemy, giving them their water. This is taken as a truce. Xena shows a change of heart. "You understand hatred but you have never given into it. You don't know how much I love -that." Xena uses the horde's code of honor to defeat their leader and, thus, the horde.

Saturday, January 16, 2010


Xena and Gabrielle aid THE Ulysses in a fight. Meet Poseidon! (Did you know that Ares is Poseidon's nephew?) He's out to give Ulysses a hard voyage to his kingdom, Ithaca. We learn that Ulysses' wife, Penelope, is dead. Later, Gabrielle distracts a boatload of pirates with a dance while Xena and Ulysses climb onboard. They take over the ship. Gabrielle experiences seasickness. Then Poseidon's storm hits! And the gang fight to pass the Sirens without crashing onto the rocks. (Xena sings.) Suddenly, at night, Ulysses finds the heart to tell Xena that "I think I'm falling in love with you." They kiss. Later, in the daytime, Gabrielle makes Xena promise to follow her own heart and "don't worry about me." Seeing Xena happy would make Gabby happy. Land ho! On Ithaca, we learn that Penelope is alive! (Awkward.) Pirates/suitors are trying to take power. Xena is really hard on Ulysses -convincing him that she doesn't love him. "He needs to decide whether he wants to stay here without thinking about me," explains Xena. Soon, Ulysses (dressed as a peasant) strings the bow for kingship. (Xena secretly helped!) A fight! The scumbags are exterminated and Ulysses realizes Xena had put up a front. But she convinces him to stay with his wife. "Go home." She teaches us that the best reward in life is to make someone you care about happy.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010


Xena heads into a tavern to grab some grub while Gabrielle does some shopping. Suddenly, Gabby is attacked! Next, we see Xena discover that her friend is missing, and is told by the man who abducted her (Palaemon) that he's killed Gabrielle -and Xena is next! During the fight to follow, some oil gets sprayed into Xena's eyes. We learn that Palaemon wants to be known as the one to kill Xena in a fair fight. And he's not telling where Gabrielle really is. Xena's eyes seem to be bothering her. Xena and Palaemon run into trouble. A fight! Xena eventually goes blind from the sumac in the oil! (She has 1 day to get treated before the damage is permanent.) She chains Palaemon so that he can be her eyes. We all soon learn that Gabrielle has been sold as a bride/Queen. Xena thinks it unusual that a commoner be chosen. Hm. Back in the castle, Gabrielle confesses that her heart belongs to another. She goes to talk the king out of the wedding only to find him dead! Turns out, she's in the middle of a power play and our Gabrielle is headed for the crematorium after the wedding! Xena warns Palaemon that "we all eventually become what we pretend we are." (He's not such a cold guy.) Xena steps in just in time, saves Gabrielle, and luckily finds the remedy for her blindness there in the castle. She's even convinced Palaemon to change his ways.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010


Remember Meleager the Mighty? He's sent for Gabrielle (and Xena, I suppose.) Something urgent. Turns out, not everyone's a friend of his. A fight! A Judge Arbus has sentenced him to death for cold-blooded murder. (Well, he was drunk, anyway.) Apparently, there was an eye-witness. Xena hears the account and basically gives up. Not Gabrielle. She brings a "last meal" of a feast for Meleager -which the guards eat (as planned.) They sleep while Gabby takes the key, unlocks the accused, and gives him the chance to find his eye-witness so he can clear himself. She gets busted for this, of course, and the judge agrees to let Xena and Gabrielle bring Meleager back. "But even I can't hold this town back forever," he says of the angry citizens. (Gabrielle actually TRIES to stand in Xena's way....) The winning argument with Meleager is that if he doesn't go back, Gabrielle will pay. He then confesses his guilt! Disappointment. They all camp for the night and make peace again. Soon, Xena has her suspicions. They make a stop to check out some evidence. Uh oh! Xena killed that man!!! (Defending another.) She splits up with the other two. And we find out that Judge Arbus is corrupt! He only protects his reputation. Gabs and Meleager get captured. He's hanged! (But not really. Xena caught his fall from beneath the gate.) Judge Arbus is exposed.


Because she's in a hurry and has to push her horse, Argo, very hard, Xena leaves Gabrielle behind. "See you in a couple of days," says Xena. This irritates Gabrielle a bit! Soon, Gabrielle runs into Joxer. Later, we meet Aphrodite and Cupid! Aphrodite is out to not only stop a marriage for the sake of her temples, but to prove her power to Cupid by showing him she can make ANYONE attractive. Yes, even Joxer. She gives Joxer a small bell to deliver to a Princess Ileandra. We soon learn that, every time a bell rings, Joxer is transformed into a handsome hero...or back into an idiot. He saves the day! The ladies go wild. Joxer can't seem to remember it, though. Later, Joxer comes between the princess and her betrothed. A fight! Joxer sends the prince away. Gabrielle gets the joy of breaking up the magnetic attraction between Joxer and the princess in a very funny bit while an all out search for Joxer is being prepared. He is found! And, just before the fight begins, Joxer is transformed back into himself. He is chained. Gabby goes to Aphrodite's temple and meets the goddess for the first time. Joxer is taken to get beheaded. Just in time, Gabby rings a bell (chakram-style) and Joxer gets free. During a sword fight, Joxer uses the "I am right handed" line from The Princess Bride. The fight moves into one of Aphrodite's temples and, because it gets destroyed, she relents into releasing Joxer from the spell. The prince and princess are reunited. "You're a real hero," they tell Gabrielle. And, when Joxer is hard on himself and feeling most unworthy, Xena reassures him that "the gods can't give us anything that isn't already in our hearts." Feel free to sing along to "Joxer the Mighty" as the credits roll!

Monday, January 4, 2010


This is a classic. (Waking Up.) An attack! A frying pan fight! We learn that Xena needs to stop a warlord from looting a nearby village. (Finding Your Way.) While lost, the gals learn of yet another village in need. It's being threatened by a giant! (Making a Decision.) Which town to help first? Flip a coin! They head to face the giant with a townsman named Hower. (Traveling.) Xena and Gabrielle pass the time playing 20 Questions. Xena makes a stop to go fishing. We see the competitive nature between the two heroes really come out A LOT. Hower falls for Xena. (A Call From Nature.) Xena uses one of Gabby's scrolls for toilet paper. She deflects retribution. "The giant is coming...." Ha! (Giving Directions.) They plant a sign for the giant, Gareth. We meet Hower's girlfriend, Minya. She prepares a bath for the duo to help them concentrate. (Practice Makes Perfect.) The warrior princess practices her skills. "Zeus killed giants with lightning bolts!" "How are we going to get lightning bolts?" (Trial and Error.) Xena invents the kite! Gareth finishes off the warlord's army. (Waiting for Gareth). A funny bit with the chakram. Minya finishes off the warlord and Hower redirects his affections. Xena finishes off Gareth. (Going to Bed.) The day ends with Xena and Gabrielle finding images in the stars...and arguing. ; )


Gabrielle makes Ephiny the Queen of the Amazons (in her absence.) At the ceremony, Velasca makes an appearance. She also makes herself a god. A fight! She's after Gabrielle. "To fight an immortal, I need an immortal." -Xena. Helllooo Callisto! The others delay Velasca while Xena drops in where Hercules has Callisto trapped. She offers Callisto a shot at the ambrosia in exchange for her help. However, before they get down to business, they make a stop at a town where Xena publicly confesses her crimes against Cirra. Callisto is obviously moved by this. Next, they're off to the showdown. Velasca (God of Chaos) destroys the temple of Artemis (God of Amazons) on her way. Then, just as soon as they need her, Callisto switches sides! "You want Gabrielle; I want Xena." This doesn't last, however, and Callisto finds herself having to fight Velasca. They trap her beneath the ever popular choice -a pile of boulders. (A mere delay.) That night, there is a great dialogue shared between Gabrielle and Callisto. A bit of "truth or dare." The topics? Cirra and Perdicus. Callisto opens up herself to Gabrielle -only to make a most insensitive remark. The next plan, we soon learn, is to draw Velasca and Callisto onto a nearby rope bridge which hangs over a lava pit. Success! And, there, Callisto eats ambrosia and becomes a god. A fight! Xena cuts the ropes sending the gods into flame. AND she invents bungee jumping! Gabrielle believes that Callisto, deep down, is sorry.

Sunday, January 3, 2010


Poor Gabrielle is all alone. She's traveling to Xena's brother with Xena's body when Iolaus shows up...and leaves again. She travels through Amazon land and reencounters Ephiny. We learn that Queen Melosa is also dead! The new queen is Velasca -who holds jealously to her title. BUT the real right now belongs to none other than Gabrielle! Meanwhile, the King of Thieves is elsewhere -stealing the dagger of Helios when Xena's spirit takes over his body! She solicits his help in stealing her body from the Amazons -who soon convince Gabrielle to put Xena on a funeral pyre. Gabby's also decided to return to rule as queen. She catches Auto! (A mere delay.) Xena takes over yet again. A fight! Gabrielle sees the fight and believes it is Xena. They escape and Velasca's opposers are imprisoned. Xena speaks to Gabrielle through Autolycus. (And we may never know WHO gave a kiss. We SEE lips locked between Gabrielle and Autolycus but we can't tell if he looks confused or guilty. Did he steal that, too??) ANYWHO...our heroes have found ambrosia, food of the gods. Velasca shows up. But one needs the dagger of Helios to unlock the ambrosia. Wellll...Velasca gets the dagger and breaks poor Autolycus' arm in the process. He's thrown into prison with the others. Of course, with him around, they're not locked up for long. Xena takes over Gabrielle's body! The chakram is thrown! Velasca is stopped! Gabs feeds a bit of leftover ambrosia to Xena and she awakens. Unfortunately, Velasca (who is not completely dead as presumed) manages to scrounge up some of that jello-like food for herself, too....


Xena and Gabrielle visit Cyrra to understand "why it happened" and "how I can ever atone." Xena leaves Gabby's side for one minute and Gabs goes missing! While rescuing her from painted warriors, Xena is struck by a weapon (a tree trunk hanging in the woods.) This throws her body against a tree and throws her mind into the past! Gabrielle journeys with Xena towards the house of a healer while Xena's mind travels to her evil days. We see how she first crossed paths with Caesar and a girl named M'Lila. Caesar eventually betrays her and hangs her from a cross. M'Lila, who was the one to teach her the pinch, rescues Xena from that cross. Soon, however, M'Lila is killed by the Romans. Back in the present day, Xena slips away and we see her old self declare her new purpose in life: death. The present day Xena, however, declares, "I have to go back." To be continued....

Saturday, January 2, 2010


Something is up at a beauty pageant! So Salmoneus has sent for Xena. She will pose as a Miss Amphipolis so that she can work from the inside, trying to stop a war from happening. Gabrielle poses as her sponsor. First, Xena uncovers a drag queen among the contestants, but she keeps this to herself. Later, during a show, Miss Amphipolis is exposed by a sponsor to be Xena! BUT the situation is quickly diverted by the drag queen who has stolen and is wearing Xena's armor. The competition narrows down to the semi-finalists. The talent events are put on rush and there is another attempted sabotage. (Xena stepped in.) Finally, Lord Claron admits to Xena that he's behind the attacks and then makes the mistake of trying to kill her. The pageant wraps up with Miss Amphipolis the winner -had she not withdrawn. Many other contestants also quit. The winner now? The queen!