Saturday, April 17, 2010


Gabrielle sprains her ankle trying to do one of Xena's flips. She and Xena are then informed that the Persians are after Athens. (And if Athens falls, Greece is lost.) "What are we going to do?" "Stop them." Later, on their way to create a landslide that will divert the Persians, Xena and Gabrielle are attacked by a soldier. He admits to being a Spartan deserter. Xena offers him the chance to redeem himself by joining their efforts against the Persians. Soon, they are attacked by an advance party and Gabrielle is shot through the chest with an arrow! A poison arrow! The "deserter" is sent away on some mission and Xena informs the injured Gabby that he's actually a Persian spy! (Xena's tricked him into telling the Persians of a landslide that they no longer have time to create. That way, they'll be diverted anyway.) Xena and Gabrielle are off to Tripolis for the antidote. But it's not there! Gabby keeps a good attitude even though they soon find out that the arrow has grazed her lung and she no longer has much time. Choice: save Athens or leave and save Gabrielle. Gabrielle, with her health quickly deteriorating, pleads with Xena to work for the greater good. So...Xena prepares to take on an army alone! "Even in death, Gabrielle, I will never leave you." (Gorgeous music in this episode, by the way.) Gabrielle apologizes "about China." "That's all in the past. All I want is to be with you right now." BUT here come the Persians! Big fight! The spy returns and tries to kill Gabrielle. Xena stabs him with a poison arrow. He leads her to a bottle of the antidote! She fends off the army with impressive skill. "Go home; there are thousands more like me." Gabrielle is saved!

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