Friday, April 23, 2010


Aphrodite has stolen a mystic diamond for use in her own constellation. And, so that Xena and her "pesky posse" (Gabrielle and Joxer) don't get in the way, she puts a spell of obsession on each of them depending on what they are thinking/looking at. Coincidentally, Joxer becomes obsessed with acting like an Ape from a love story, Gabby becomes full of herself, and Xena just has to go fishing! Xena maintains focus (somewhat) on retrieving the diamond. She creates an avalanche...then she goes fishing. Soon, while preparing a fire, she notices that Gabrielle is missing! She saves her from drowning! (Gabby had fallen in the water while trying to kiss her own reflection!) Then, while talking to Joxer, Gabrielle appears to him as a she-monkey. And Xena remembers catching fish with a young Lyceus. They had found a "great opponent" (for a fish) named Solaris. Now Xena has a renewed interest in catching him. She cuts off a piece of Gabrielle's hair to use as bait. "Do you ever get the feeling that we're forgetting something really important?" asks Gabrielle. "That diamond thing," replies Xena. The next thing we know, the ape-man returns and takes Gabby away. Xena rescues her...and goes back to fishing. Then, Xena inspires jealousy in Gabrielle, making her think that Aphrodite only wanted the diamond because she thinks she's more deserving/perfect. Thus, Xena uses Gabrielle's obsession to put her focus back on the diamond. Gabby finds the diverted thugs and fights them, capturing the gem. Joxer helps. Finally, Xena launches the diamond into the heavens (along with Solaris -who took it as bait). Suddenly, with some insight, the spell lifts from each of them in turn. Well, except for Joxer. (They'll help him tomorrow. Anything to torture the poor guy!) Xena learns to make sure Gabrielle feels appreciated for a change.

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