Friday, April 2, 2010


Xena and Gabrielle return to the village where Solan lives. We are reintroduced to Kaleipus, Solan's caretaker. There's some sort of treaty in the works and Gabrielle jerks at the mention of "hope." Elsewhere, Callisto somehow escapes from fire (still a god) with the help of a young girl. Back in the village, Ephiny surprises Gabrielle with her presence but notices that something is wrong. Gabby tells of her child, Hope, and that "she died." Soon, the aforementioned young girl (who calles herself "Fayla") crosses paths with Gabrielle, looking for Xena. She has a message from Callisto who knows about Solan! We learn that "Fayla" is Hope!!! And, unfortunately, she's become Daddy's little girl. Soon, Gabrielle too learns that the child is her own (Hope already knew) but she keeps it to herself. She tells Hope to wait in the hut until she gets back. Xena and Gabrielle leave to fool Callisto with the "old bait and switch." Meanwhile, Hope, on her way to the hut, kills Kaleipus! Xena agrees to raise Solan in his stead and Solan wishes this, too. (It seems that Xena plans on telling Solan, while on the road, that she's his mom.) Finally, "Fayla" and Gabrielle meet up in the hut where Gabrielle reveals to Hope that she's her mother. Ignorant of the child's evil essence, Gabby takes her to Kaleipus' hut where Solan is also hiding. Then she tells Ephiny and Xena that Callisto is targeting the children. She also confesses to Xena that the child is Hope. But once Xena finds out that Solan is in danger, she B lines it outta there. And she finds Solan...dead. Oh no! Callisto is brought no real satisfaction from his death but that doesn't stop Xena from trapping her once again. Gabrielle, now hopeless, has poisoned Hope and nearly drinks some herself. At the funeral, Xena blames Gabrielle. Consider this friendship in danger....

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