Friday, April 23, 2010


Looks like Gabrielle's past has finally caught up with her. She has memories of what happened with Hope and they're affecting her ability to even eat and sleep. "It's like I'm paying for something but I don't know what it is." Xena is elsewhere, so Joxer steps up to try and help. But Gabrielle eventually decides to enter the temple of Mnemosyne. The priestess there has the ability to empty a person of all their memories. Even the good ones! Gabrielle learns that her memory has three rivers and that she must cross them all in order to find the answer to her pain. Only then will she make the decision to lose her memories or to keep them. Soon, Joxer breaks his way into the temple to rescue Gabrielle. But he leaves with a memory-less version of her. Next, we see the journeying Gabrielle on the bank of the first river. Ares appears and warns her! She steps into this River of Wailing anyway. She remembers losing her blood innocence and all that went down with Crassus. She ends up covered in blood and screaming! After that ordeal passes, she manages to make her way to the icy River of Woe. Ares warns her yet again. Elsewhere, Joxer tries to remind the shell of Gabrielle who she is. (The first scroll he reads to her is called "Sins of the Past!") Meanwhile, the journeying Gabrielle falls into the water and remembers what happened in China. (Joxer is busy making himself out to be mighty.) After a setback, Gabrielle moves forward through a fiery river where she recalls Illusia...and the moment when Xena left Gabrielle to head off to Chin. It was Ares! He's the one who transported Gabrielle to China ahead of Xena! And, most importantly, we learn that Gabrielle's motivation wasn't to stop Xena from killing. It wasn't to save a best friend. No, it was out of jealousy over Lao Ma. She was jealous that someone else might be more important to Xena than herself! This has been torturing Gabby because her action (based on such a petty feeling) nearly destroyed her best friend. Now that she has the answer, does she decide to get rid of her memories? Back with Joxer, Gabrielle's memories return to her in full! Suddenly, Xena shows up. She knew what was going on with Gabrielle (Gabby talks in her sleep) and had them wait at the temple to give her a chance to deal with it all. Now, Xena's just glad that she made it back. Gabrielle tries to apologize to Xena. "No, it's over," Xena replies.

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