Wednesday, March 31, 2010


Xena seems...strange. She's given up her warrior ways, serves the virgin goddess Hestia, and speaks with a funny impediment. AND she's about to be burned at the stake for it! Gabrielle, thinking it a test, saves Xena -only to learn that she's actually another look-alike. Not Diana. Not Meg. It's Leah -a priestess! Later, Gabby (who is quite amused) finds Xena and breaks the news. A funny mix of faiths comes into play. Somehow, Xena suspects foul play against Leah. Upon entering the Hestian temple, they find none other than Meg who is posing as Leah! Xena goes to talk to Meg while Gabby helps Leah pose as the same. Gabby manages to crack a masturbation joke in the process.... At the tavern, Joxer arrives and the tramps go wild. He is, however, mortified when Gabrielle shows up! Elsewhere, Leah spills the whole plan to the inside guy. Mistake! (There's a lot of confusion around this point and it leaves us guessing who is who and where.) Anyhow, Joxer gets himself in prison trying to save Meg and plays the "Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon" game -except a warrior's name replaces Kevin Bacon. (It's funny that he refers to his own times as "mythology.") Xena frees Joxer. A fight! Leah foils the bad guy's plans and then Xena steps in to finish them off.

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