Saturday, March 27, 2010


Gabrielle wants to visit Xena in prison but the law won't permit it. "I hear you were betrayed by a friend," says a guard to Xena. "No, not by a friend," she replies! They've got her in this huge, horrible head stock. Meanwhile, Ming explains how Xena taught him to rule. Flashbacks! We also learn of Lao Ma's execution. We witness more great lessons from Lao. "To conquer others is to have power; to conquer yourself is to know the way." Ming Tien is Lao Ma's son. Meanwhile, in the present day, Gabrielle gives Xena smack for not promising to never attempt such assassination again. Flashback to Lao healing evil Xena's bad leg. Xena is condemned to death in the present day, so Gabrielle is finally allowed to visit her in prison. She gives a heartbreaking plea for Xena's forgiveness, talking about her own self-hatred. It works. We learn of an important origin: "You're going to help me run the Kingdom of Lao. You'll be my warrior princess." And that this debt to Lao Ma is there because she helped Xena to be reborn. Xena is taken to her execution. But she remembers all the teachings and transcends, becomes spiritually powerful, and defeats them all. Xena lets on that, though Ming Tien is still alive in the rubble, she won't kill him. But, after he rants about his mother's execution (which was at his own hands) and how she cried like a baby, Xena does kill him -privately. Now Gabrielle is the one with no idea.

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