Wednesday, March 31, 2010


While getting information from a man in prison, Xena finds Joxer in the stocks. She buys him out. Elsewhere, Autolycus steals a sword but his partner in crime kills a man in the process! Not only that, but this assassin is...Joxer?! Wrong again! Turns out it was Joxer's look-alike brother, Jett. In fact, Joxer's whole family is ruthless. (That explains a lot.) Gabrielle soon crosses paths with the real Joxer and Autolycus and they decide to stop Jett from killing again. We learn that Cleopatra is his next target. Auto successfully sneaks inside her palace, but Joxer and Gabrielle get thrown into the dungeon! Auto soon gets caught, however, he saves himself at the mention of Xena's name. (Cleo is in need of a warrior. Her brother is out to have her killed, she knows.) We learn that her brother has men on the inside working for him. Joxer, mistaken for Jett, is released from the dungeon. He leaves Gabrielle locked up for her own protection. Jett himself soon makes it into the castle and runs into Auto. Later, Auto and Cleo have a negotiation full of double entendres. Meanwhile, Gabrielle tricks her way out of her cell. (That guard is funny!) She runs into Jett (thinking it's Joxer) who plays it off. Jett then finds Joxer and gives him a...brotherly welcome. (We also learn of yet another brother, Jace.) Eventually, the three warn the guard of the assassination plot but are, on account of the inside men, captured in return! (Except Joxer who poses as Jett in front of the guard.) Suddenly, Xena shows up! She frees our prisoners, Joxer stands up to Jett, and the murder is interfered with. A fight! We leave off with Joxer and Jett's heart to heart. Jett goes to prison and our heroes go on with life.

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