Tuesday, August 30, 2011


Joxer, driven by nightmares, has set out to find Xena and Gabrielle.  Instead, he meets Amarice and Eli–who show him his friends' crucified bodies.  Joxer is determined to take their bodies back to Greece.  Elsewhere, the souls of Xena and Gabrielle are waiting on an otherworldly cliff where angels come to carry them off to paradise.  But they are suddenly ambushed by a pack of demons.  Gabby falls into the dark abyss and demon-Callisto plans to take Xena to her lord.  The archangel, Michael, rescues Xena.  But as soon as she realizes what has happened to Gabrielle, Xena tries to jump into hell to save her.  Michael stops her only to have Xena pleading for wings.  Meanwhile, in hell, Gabrielle wakes up with Callisto's arm around her.  She learns that if she eats their food, she'll become like them.  Joxer, Amarice, and Eli take Xena and Gabrielle's bodies down from the crosses.  Michael takes Xena to a cave and tells her that, if she wants to become an archangel, she must walk through it.  Therein lies a choice.  On one hand, Xena could walk through water.  On the other, fire.  She chooses the path of the fire and becomes an angel.  Back on earth, Amarice cuts a lock of Xena's hair and promises to "honor the memory of the Warrior Princess."  She then blames Eli for their deaths.  (He "infected" Gabrielle with his ideas of peace and rendered her helpless.)  Meanwhile, angel-Xena learns that she can free Gabrielle from hell by giving up her "light" -but it will doom herself.  BUT, there should be no need for Xena to sacrifice herself if only they can get to Gabby before she becomes a full demon.  Unfortunately, Gabby is busy in hell being force-fed until she gives in.  Soon enough, a demonic looking Gabrielle turns on Callisto and talks to her about her family.  "You know what I think?  You wanted them to die so you'd have a reason to be a bitch."  Fortunately, incoming angels break up their fight before they have a chance to strangle one another.  Michael grabs demon-Gabrielle and makes an escape, but angel-Xena finds herself with an incredible compassion for Callisto and gives her her light.  In paradise, Gabby is thrown into the water and restored.  It is then that she learns of Xena's deed.  "Who did she save?"  Demon-Xena is busy planning an attack when Gabrielle is shown the angelic, pure form of the newly restored Callisto.  (Gabby doesn't take this well, at first, and Callisto has no memory of her murderous past.  She is as she would have been had Xena not killed her family.)  Joxer and Amarice find a place to bury their friends since it's too dangerous to bring them back to Greece.  Gabby heads off into a cave (to earn her wings) and encounters Callisto.  They have an engaging conversation where an embittered Gabrielle tries to shake Callisto out of her sweetness "act."  But they reconcile at last and Gabby gets her wings.  The demons are coming!  The first angel Xena sees is Gabby.  Demon-Xena tries to convince her to join them with talk of trickery and love and going through hell alone.  Gabby says she is sorry.  A fight!  Eli is sitting alone praying a frustrated prayer when Callisto's spirit gives him his answer.  "Love is the way. Go to them."  As the spirits of Xena and Gabrielle fight in the heavens, Eli goes to their corpses and places his hands on their heads.  Callisto joins him and our heroes resurrect!  Joxer, Amarice, and Eli himself are all in wonder.  Callisto looks at Michael and he nods.  She then reaches out to touch Xena -who feels something.  Then, Michael lets Callisto finally meet her family!  "We're going to be together... for eternity," Gabrielle says to Xena.

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