Wednesday, July 27, 2011


It is modern day and Annie (played by Lucy Lawless) has a dream / past-life experience.  (We see a clip from Callisto.)  She believes she used to be Xena, the warrior princess.  But her boyfriend, Harry (played by Ted Raimi), isn't buying it.  Nevertheless, Annie goes to see a past lives counselor named Dr. Mattie (played by Renee O'Connor).  During her session, Annie remembers the lava pit scene from Sacrifice II.  But she feels as though she were "watching" Xena.  Dr. Mattie tells her this is because she didn't make a soul meld and they try again.  We learn that Marco (played by Robert Trebor), the man who runs the front desk of this establishment, has a gun in his desk.  To her horror, Annie realizes that she was, in her past life, Joxer!  "That ass.... He's the comic relief!"  At this point, Harry has entered the room, concerned for his girlfriend.  But there was something else strange about her memory; the doctor was there, too!  Pressured by Harry, Dr. Mattie takes them back yet again.  Only, this time, the doctor experiences something for herself.  "Self-hypnosis; I told you that was a danger with this scam," warns Marco privately.  Out to disprove this quack, Harry suggests that the doctor send him back, too.  "To be honest, I'd like to experience it again myself," replies Dr. Mattie.  We see a clip of a fight and it leaves Harry stunned.  "Annie, maybe Joxer wasn't such a bad guy," he finally says.  Soon enough, however, they all decide they aren't thinking straight and they try to leave.  "No charge," assures the doctor.  But Marco's got a gun and he's planning to take the money and run!  He claims to be settling an old score....  Then he ties them all up, sets up a bomb, and exits.  Dr. Mattie expresses her regret over the scam, afraid she's been poisoning her own karma.  "I'm gonna come back as a worm or a cockroach; no–a TV evangelist."  Meanwhile, Annie tries to rescue them all by attempting to escape.  But the others want to go back again to learn what they need to do next.  They are left with more confusion after their experience, so they try yet again.  (This time we see a clip of the kiss from the Quest.  "That was, um, confusing," says Dr. Mattie.)  And again.  With only a couple of minutes left before the bomb explodes, we all learn that Annie was Joxer, Dr. Mattie was Gabrielle, and Harry was Xena.  He disarms the bomb and Marco walks into the room... only to be revealed as none other than Ares!  Turns out, he's responsible for the threat of Y2K and he still wants Xena.  They fight and Ares loses.  "She's your soulmate," Annie tells Harry of Dr. Mattie.  (We see a clip from One Against An Army.)  "It's been a long time," Mattie tells Harry.  "It's been too long, friend," he replies.  They share a kiss and Annie leaves singing her own rendition of Joxer the Mighty.

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