Saturday, December 18, 2010


Xena and Gabrielle are walking along, discussing spiritual things, when Xena suddenly spears a river creature and throws it onto shore.  This masked creature declares, "We were ordered to stop you from reaching the avatar."  (The avatar is a deity in human form.)  He blows some bugs off his hand which then turn into other masked creatures.  Fight!  The new enemy is Indrajit, king of demons.  Later, spurred by her recent revelation as a future peacemaker, Xena wonders if she's not supposed to be a warrior anymore.  Soon enough, they discover that the avatar is Eli!  They find him healing the sick and learn that he is living a terrified life.  Indrajit is after him!  Xena and Gabrielle talk their way into traveling with Eli for a time.  At night, a monkey creature named Hanuman sneaks into their camp.  He advises that Eli seek refuge in a temple and seek Krishna's help.  (Krishna is the supreme personality of the godhood.)  We learn about Hanuman and about "THE truth" as Eli proclaims it -a reverence for life and nonviolence.  Finally, the gang reaches the temple where Hanuman discusses Eli's words with Gabrielle.  "Eli's way is the ultimate way."  A fight with demons!  Indrajit himself shows up on his magic carpet and captures both Eli and Gabrielle!  At this, Hanuman suggests that Xena pray to Krishna to get the god's attention.  As she prays, Indrajit threatens Eli.  "How passive and serene will you remain while she's being tortured?"  Suddenly, Xena finds herself in the presence of Krishna.  He encourages her to embrace the way of the warrior.  "You must not be hesitant to fight in a just cause."  Acting, in combat, without attachment.  He vanishes and Xena leaves with Hanuman to rescue Eli and Gabrielle.  The latter are meditating when Xena suddenly appears in their midst, chained and bleeding!  Eli warns Gabrielle to be careful, but she uses violence to try and free Xena -only to uncover that it is actually Indrajit creating an illusion.  He then grabs Gabby by the throat and declares that she will die now that Eli refuses to join him.  Suddenly, Xena's chakram cuts off Indrajit's hand!  But he grows arms until he has 6 of them!  A fight!  He manages to gruesomely cut off both Xena's arms!  But Xena calls on Krishna and grows 4 arms of her own.  Rematch!  She beheads the king of demons and is returned to her healed state.  Later, Eli encourages Gabrielle and informs her that he's headed home where he believes his message will be most received.  Later still, Xena witnesses Gabrielle throw her staff into the river.  They stay together, despite their different "ways."  "All rivers run to the sea," explains Gabrielle.

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