Monday, December 13, 2010


Upon their arrival in India, Gabrielle is chatting about the exotic sights when she and Xena spot a magician who is calling all to witness his work.  Gabrielle volunteers Xena as a "skeptic."  She fails to uncover his work as false and lets him proceed.  Soon, this magician sends his assistant, Maya, into another realm.  She returns in gory pieces!  He puts these pieces in a box and says some magic words.  She returns...only now she's possessed!  (NOT part of his show, people!)  Xena fights her while the magician prays to Abba.  Gabby, however, places her hands on Maya's shoulders (who is now writhing and screaming on the floor) and tells her to stop and that it's okay.  With that, the demon leaves!  Soon, the whole town believes that Gabrielle has "the higher power" and is a healing deity called a Devi.  A priest from the town suddenly begins blaming the magician so Xena magically escapes with the man as the town begins to worship their new Devi.  We learn that the magician's name is Eli.  Xena attempts to leave him with a warning about getting out of town, but he hypnotizes her with the intent of finding out if Gabrielle is a Devi.  Elsewhere, even as she is arguing with the chanting crowd, Gabrielle's touch heals a man's sight!  Well, Xena was only pretending to be hypnotized and the conversation continues.  Eli tells of a time when he was 13 and he had the power to heal a convulsing man.  Suddenly, he hides as the aforementioned priest walks into his temple.  Xena leaves him, commenting that "some people see evil everywhere."  Later, we learn that Gabby is beginning to think that she is a Devi after all.  "I healed someone!"  Soon, both Xena and Gabrielle are under the impression that she has a spirit inside of her.  Xena warns her that some spirits are good and some are bad -but they're smart and sometimes you can't tell them apart.  Later still, many people have gathered outside to chant "Devi."  Gabby seems to really be enjoying the praises.  Xena runs off into the temple to find that the priest has been hung!  Later, Eli spies this new Devi and makes a run for it.  He is chased by angry dogs.  Xena steps in and helps him out, but it is the Devi (who was busy being given pearls) who ultimately frees him.  After levitating, Eli shouts to the crowd to praise her.  "Xena, I didn't heal anything," says Gabrielle.  Eli vanishes into the crowd and is found gathering sacred water in the temple.  Xena meets him and spies a painting of one blonde demon wearing pearls!  "Her name's Tataka."  She deceives with good works!  Xena approaches Gabby later and she seems innocent enough.  We learn that the holy water only burns someone in the hands of a priest or exorcist.  Finally, after upsetting Gabrielle with her doubts, Xena apologizes.  Later, Xena fights a guard in the temple and Eli squirts some holy water on his face and it burns him!  "Tataka figured it out....  Gabrielle's not the Devi, Eli.  You are."  And the demon was cast out...straight into Gabrielle!  Later still, Xena calls Gabrielle Tataka and she certainly doesn't deny it.  Xena runs to find Eli escaping town.  He instructs her on how to perform an exorcism (since he doesn't believe he can do it).  Xena is mocked by Tataka when she appears for the exorcism.  "You want me out?  You're gonna have to kill this sweet little body to do it.  And I don't think you can."  "Watch me."  Fight!  Just when Xena is in position to kill, Eli shows up.  "Let me try and save her!"  Tataka discourages him but Xena is persistent.  "Abba, help me," he prays.  The exorcism is a Eli's amazement.  They later part ways with him, concluding that this power is stronger than evil.

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