Wednesday, July 21, 2010


A good ol' back massage gets interrupted by a band of thugs. Fight! It turns out they're actually there to arrest Xena for the murder of some woman named Thalassa. Xena surrenders, guilt-ridden. She is taken to court where testimonies are given and she's sentenced to life imprisonment on Shark Island. Gabrielle soon learns of a job opening on the island and asks when the next boat leaves. Xena arrives on the island and is recognized by one of the inmates who soon asks for help escaping. "Not interested," Xena replies. Next, Xena buries a woman who was hung for killing a guard. The guards continue to give Xena hell and fight her after she defends an inmate. A cloaked commandant woman appears and has Xena chained. She then reveals herself as an embittered Thalassa! (The old Xena had left her to the flesh eating crabs.) She has Xena thrown into a pit with rats. Gabrielle arrives as the new healer and helps Thalassa. Later, she uses a broom as a staff and gets rid of the guard. She delivers the chakram to Xena. But Gabrielle is captured and taken to be hanged! Just as Thalassa decides that she can't go through with it, the guard goes against her wishes and opens the trapdoor. Fortunately, Xena throws her chakram, cutting the rope just in time. Chaos ensues. A fight! Thalassa gets back in touch with her soul and thanks Gabrielle. She also gives some advice to Xena -which she takes. Xena won't let "that monster I used to be...destroy all the good I can do now."

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