Friday, July 23, 2010


We see Xena and Gabrielle battling a band of attackers. A woman rides in on horseback and joins the fight against our heroes. She is about to kill Gabrielle when she suddenly stops and gets on her knees begging forgiveness. Meet Najara. Her invisible guides through life (the "Jinn") told her all about them and their quest. They agree to join her in her fight against a man named Marat. At the campfire that night, Najara offers her army to Xena in order to gain her trust. The next day, they battle the baddies and Najara catches an arrow meant for Gabrielle. Remember Xena's crucifixion vision? Well, the Jinn tell Najara about it while Xena is worrying over it in her own private moment. She believes it can be avoided. Xena figures that if she leaves Gabrielle with Najara (so they can start a hospice), their fate will be altered. "Goodbye," she says to the sleeping Gabrielle. But Xena soon learns that Najara eventually executes the "not decent people" who don't turn to her "light." She races to find Gabrielle who has just been initiated into this "light." Feeling that Gabby is now her responsibility, Najara gets possessive and fights Xena. She even wins! Gabrielle convinces Najara not to kill Xena and they leave together. When Xena comes to, she sneaks her way into their cave of a hideout and fights Najara again. This time, however, she uses Gabrielle to distract her. Finally, they have Najara tied up and taken away. She never told Gabrielle about Xena's vision, though. Why not? Because that would hurt her. And Najara doesn't ever want to do that. "That's your job," she tells Xena.

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