Monday, June 21, 2010


Xena uses her chakram to stop a crowd of innocents from being killed. We meet Phlanagus and his wife and child. Caesar and Pompey's civil war has reached Greece. Xena plans to ensure the war's happening so that they'll waste their forces and be forced to return to Rome. Phlanagus is a true Greek who just wants to be a fisherman. But war keeps calling. Gabrielle has some miners make a map of the local caverns. Meet Temecula. He's good with a bow and arrow so Gabrielle recruits him as messenger. Soon, Xena requires that everyone destroy their homes and cattle so as to leave the land worthless. After that task is complete, they plant Caesar's banner on the hill. This causes Pompey to want that hill. The trick is that the opposite side of the banner looks like it belongs to Pompey! Thus, the armies attack each other. "Xena," says Caesar upon discovering the trick. Preparations are made for more battles and Xena spies on Caesar only to learn half of his plan. That night, Xena hints to a very reluctant Gabrielle of putting Gabby in charge since Xena will be absent and "you know how I think." Later, Xena meets Pompey in the woods and they are soon joined by Caesar. Right where she wants 'em. Fire catapults! The three of them fall into one of the caverns. Caesar's troops retreat but Gabby suspects it's a trap! They must pursue the troops. Phlanagus puts Gabrielle in command! War! Gabrielle fights with her staff. Meanwhile, Xena sword fights with Caesar and Pompey. And we learn the second part of Caesar's plan. He figured Xena would have them follow his retreating troops! "I'll destroy them," he says. Xena leaves the two of them to fight and heads into battle looking for Gabrielle. Gabby sees Phlanagus go down. She throws a javelin but misses. Phlanagus is killed! Temecula kills his killer with an arrow. The fighting stops and Caesar and Pompey emerge to view the devastation. Back to Rome they go. Xena finally finds Gabrielle and brings comfort. At the funeral pyres, Xena tries to tell her how "it was a good day of fighting."

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