Sunday, June 6, 2010


After Xena performs an Amazon purging ritual, she has memories of a fight with Cyane when Borias, who was there to make peace, basically saved Xena's life. Later, Xena and the Amazons prepare for Alti. Meanwhile, Alti summons spirits to aid her cause. These very spirits inhabit the tranced Amazons, Xena fights them off, and the Amazons use their willpower to exorcise themselves. Later, the group makes camp on their way to Alti's stronghold. They set up a charm ring for protection. Xena recalls how Cyane had once asked her to join them. "We can teach you a new way; a new code to live by." Alti shows up saying, "We both live for power." But Cyane interrupts and quickly wins a spiritual duel (which looks a lot like an intense staring contest). Cyane makes her offer again. And we're back in present day. That night, Alti shows up as a spider, then takes the form of Gabrielle, then finally reveals herself as Alti. "Tell me who the blonde one is." Alti reveals to Xena how she cursed Solan before he was ever born. "Make sure that he never experiences the love of either of his parents." (She fears Gabrielle for the same reason that she feared Solan. She knows they have a stronger power than she has and can turn Xena from her darkness.) Xena kills the spider and Alti flees. Next, they head to the stronghold. Xena explains to the group how she murdered Cyane's Amazons at Alti's bidding. Flashback to a fight in the trees! Suddenly, in present day, Xena puts the pinch on everyone in the group -including herself. (Alti's spirits are close and there is no time for a trance dance.) Their spirits join Xena's and she faces Alti. Another fight in the trees! Alti shows Xena pieces of her future in order to make her live her death. And, in a pivotal moment, Alti shows Xena the crucifixion of Xena...and of a short-haired Gabrielle! She's ALIVE?!?! Xena kills Alti, un-pinches everybody, discovers the new holy word (love), and says farewell!

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