Saturday, November 27, 2010


The scene opens with Gabrielle taking a primitive shower in the middle of the woods. Xena, on the other hand, has overslept. (Joxer's in the camp, too.) A mystery creatures snatches Gabby's clothes. Elsewhere, Xena interrupts a band of thugs and ties one of them up using...Gabby's shirt! "We ran out of rope." Now, Gabby is sporting...a sac.  Suddenly, an explosion from Aphrodite's temple!  (A little girl named Alesia was playing with the "passion" bottle.)  "Xena!  Please, you have to save me from my evil fairy godsmother!" she cries.  It turns out that this is princess Alesia.  She doesn't like her new stepmother and ran away.  Soon, they all leave Aphrodite behind to take Alesia back home.  Soon, Xena backtracks to take care of the men who are following them -leaving Gabrielle to tell Alesia a story.  It isn't Cinderalla, however.  It's Tyrella.  All of the characters (even the tied up bad guy) are made into the characters surrounding Tyrella's tale.  Meanwhile, Aphrodite actually begins to miss Alesia...who is off hoping that Gabby's story ends gruesomely for the stepmother!  Suddenly, Aphrodite appears and tells her version of Tyrella's "sizzling" story.  Next, as Gabby helps Xena cook, Joxer tries his storytelling skills -making himself the lead (Tyro).  Joxer's story is complete with a wild dance sequence and duet!  In fact, Joxer gets so into his story, that he doesn't notice Alesia is missing!  As soon as Xena goes after her, an elderly woman appears in the camp (Aphrodite in disguise) and tricks Gabby into leaving after the baddies.  Somehow, Alesia has gotten herself dangling from the edge of a cliff.  Xena to the rescue!  The gang finally learns that Aphrodite is plotting to get the girl back.  On their way, Xena tells her action packed version of Tyrella's story.  But she manages to belittle and offend (for at least the 3rd time that day) Gabrielle with the tale.  Gabby decides she has had enough and leaves.  Finally, the rest of them reach "home" only to find Alesia's father and stepmother tied up and the crown jewels stolen!  Before Xena leaves again, though, she locks Alesia and her stepmother in a room to talk things out.  Elsewhere, Gabby summons Aphrodite and attempts to talk her out of meddling with Alesia's family.  Xena and Joxer go after the baddies while Alesia and her stepmother make peace.  The ensuing battle turns into the ending of Tyrella's story -which Xena wraps up for Alesia in only a way that Xena can.  Gabby has returned after realizing that family stays together and works things out.  In closing, Gabrielle begins to conceive the story of Pinocchio.

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