Monday, September 20, 2010


When Xena catches Autolycus after stealing a ruby, he gives it back...only to discover that that wasn't Xena -it was Meg! Turns out, Joxer and Meg are after the crown of Athena. Auto gets on board. Joxer and Autolycus pretend to be villians while Meg (still dressed as Xena) pretends to fight them off. We learn that Meg is Joxer's girl. Meg demands to meet with the town's leader and convinces them that an assassin is out to get him. Thus, he shows her their security. Meg leaves a trail for Autolycus who gets rid of the guards and finds a baby in place of the key to the crown. Soon, Meg walks in and reveals that the baby is the key, and then she unexpectedly calls the guards on Autolycus! Meg steals the key and his elderly caretaker learns of this and finds Autolycus in prison. We soon learn that once the key opens the door, the child will be no more. "Doesn't sound good for the kid." Auto escapes. Joxer soon learns that Meg has kidnapped a baby just to have a baby and he feels quite used. But Meg convinces him that fatherhood becomes him. The leaders learn that "Xena" has stolen the key and fear she'll get the crown first. Auto shows up to try and take the baby back for a reward, but the baby escapes while he and Meg duke it out. Now it seems everyone is looking for the kid! But the little baby escapes in a chariot. Follow that chariot! The chariot crashes (but everyone's okay). At camp that night, Auto convinces them to still search for the crown and promises that the child will not be harmed. We learn about Meg's difficult upbringing and that her love for this child is true. She wants better for this baby than what she had. Next, we all discover that the baby's blanket is a map! To the door! Auto doesn't risk the baby but, during a fight, the child crawls to open the door and turns into a man! But not just any man...he is the king! (The real Xena shows up and helps them fend off the baddies.) Athena had made him young so that he could see anew, and his queen was made old (the caretaker) to teach her how to care. He thanks Meg for her love. Xena also encourages Meg that she will have a family of her own one day.

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