Tuesday, May 11, 2010


Some guy named Adar gives a speech honoring a statue called Pax. It's a symbol of peace for the surrounding villages. However, it quickly goes missing. But who is in charge of this misguided, albeit impressive, act? Xena soon finds Autolycus hiding incognito amongst the crowd. Only, she finds him disappointed that he didn't steal it himself! His reputation as the King of Thieves is at stake. So, in order to regain his title, the gang agrees to steal Pax back "the Autolycus way." (Xena is talked into this because Autolycus saved her life back when she inhabited his body.) They learn that the thief is a man called Tarsus. To the ship! Gabrielle goes in first, disguised, and makes an offer for Pax. Next comes a disguised Xena. The first step is to keep Tarsus from melting down the statue. Auto is introduced as Xena's slave. He causes a diversion while Xena causes the furnace to lose heat. Later, Auto sees an optical illusion in the castle and gets an idea. Meanwhile, the gals bid over Pax and Xena wins. Gabrielle joins the following party while Xena and Auto get some paint. They soon join the party, however, where Tarsus is revealed as the man who killed Autolycus' brother! Not only that, but he recognizes and points out Autolycus! To the locks and chains for Auto! Xena is tied up and gagged. (That lasts a whole five seconds.) She meets up with Gabrielle and they figure out that Autolycus' new plan is to kill Tarsus! Xena talks him out of it. (What would your brother want and all of that.) A fight! Pax, after being hidden via optical illusion, is returned.

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